  • 學位論文


Variability of waist circumference measurements at three sites and its relationship with cardiovascular risk factors in patients with schizophrenia

指導教授 : 賴德仁


研究目的:流行病學研究顯示,精神分裂症患者比一般民眾有較多的身體疾患及較高的死亡率,其死因有六成可歸因於身體疾病造成的,其中心血管疾病是主要的原因。精神分裂症患者也比一般人高於兩倍的機會死於心血管疾病。精神分裂症患者可能因為有較高的比例合併肥胖、高血脂、糖尿病、高血壓、抽菸或少運動才會因心血管疾病而死。 國內對於代謝症候群的研究很多,針對精神分裂症病患的研究則較少。精神分裂症病患合併發生代謝症候群的盛行率較一般人為高,其中肥胖,高血壓和糖尿病的罹病率也較高。對於肥胖的測量,除了體重以外,腰圍測量是量化腹部脂肪分佈既方便又特殊的方法,而且無論是男性或女性,腰圍較大的人,罹患與肥胖有關疾病的危險性,要比腰圍小的人來得高。對於腰圍的測量,雖然國健局建議以肋骨下緣與腸骨上緣的腹部中線為基準,但這多針對一般內外科病患。對於精神分裂症病患,並無一致可行的標準可遵循。所以我們測量下列三個位置的腰圍:肚臍處,最低肋骨下緣與腸骨棘上緣的中線,腸骨棘上緣。希望探討不同解剖位置的腰圍測量值是否不同。另外探討這三個位置的腰圍與血壓、血糖和血脂肪的關係。 研究方法及資料:本研究主要是針對門診精神分裂症病患。向家屬及病人解釋研究內容後取得病人的知情同意。除了腰圍的測量外,同時記錄病人的年齡、性別、教育程度、婚姻狀態、身高、體重、血壓,抗精神病藥物外,並給予抽血檢查。抽血檢查的項目包括總膽固醇,三酸甘油酯,高密度酯蛋白和飯前血糖值。三個腰圍的比較利用repeated measures ANOVA,再進行多重比較。腰圍與血糖,血脂肪的關係則利用linear regression分析,並控制年齡和抽菸狀態。 研究結果:本實驗共收集八十位精神分裂症病患,男性四十五位 (56.3%),女性三十五位 (43.7%)。平均年齡40.8歲。在男性,腸骨棘上緣、最低的肋骨下緣和腸骨棘上緣的腹部中線、肚臍處的平均腰圍分別是100.4公分,98.7公分,101.1公分。在女性病患,三個位置的腰圍平均值為99.9公分,93.9公分,100.5公分。三個位置的腰圍,在男性和女性都有同樣的趨勢,肚臍處的平均腰圍最大, 其次是腸骨棘上緣,最低的肋骨下緣和腸骨棘上緣的中線所量的平均腰圍最小。至於不同位置腰圍的差距,本研究發現在男性和女性都是腹部中線平均腰圍與腸骨棘上緣平均腰圍,肚臍處平均腰圍的大小有明顯差距並達到統計上的顯著差異;至於腸骨棘上緣平均腰圍與肚臍處平均腰圍大小較接近。 腰圍與血壓、血糖和高血脂的關係隨著性別而不同。在男性病患,三個位置的腰圍與三酸甘油酯及高密度脂蛋白有高度相關性。最低的肋骨下緣和腸骨棘上緣的中線腰圍與血糖、舒張壓、膽固醇_高密度脂蛋白比值與代謝症候群較有相關。在女性患者,腸骨棘上緣腰圍與收縮壓,膽固醇_高密度脂蛋白比值有高度相關。 結論與建議:採用統一的腰圍測量位置,醫療照護人員可以避免高估或低估精神分裂症患者發生心血管疾病的危險性。所以適當的腰圍測量位置,可以早一步提高警覺,辨識出具有心血管疾病高危險性的病患。


Objective:1. To compare the magnitude of waist circumference (WC) measured at 3 sites (immediately above the iliac crest, midpoint between the lowest rib and the iliac crest, umbilical level) in males and females. 2. To examine the correlation of WC with lipid profiles, glucose and metabolic syndrome. Methods and Materials: Patients with the DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia, regular follow-up at an outpatient clinic were recruited. After explaining the purpose of the study and obtaining patient’s agreement, the following data are collected: age, gender, education level, marital status, height, weight, and smoking. WC was measured using an inelastic plastic tape at each site. Fasting venous blood samples were collected for lipid and glucose analyses. Differences in WC across sites were tested using repeated measures ANOVA, adjusted for multiple comparisons. Linear regression methods were used to model the relation between fat values measured and WC, with separate calculations performed for each of the 3 sites, adjusting of age and smoking. Results:Our sample consisted of 45 men and 35 women (29-52 years).Both in men and women, the mean WC for all sites were significantly different from each other, with the exception of the iliac crest and umbilical site. WC values at 3 sites were significantly correlated with triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein in men. Midline WC had higher correlation with fasting glucose, diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio, and metabolic syndrome in men. In women, only iliac crest WC had higher correlation with systolic blood pressure and cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio. Conclusion and Suggestion: The magnitude of WC is influenced by measurement site in both genders. Adopting a standard measurement protocol in schizophrenic patients will facilitate the interpretation and clinical utility of WC for evaluation of cardiovascular risk.


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曾姵馨(2015)。思覺失調症患者增加罹患失智症 風險及失智症影響因素之探討〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2015.00063
