  • 學位論文


Postoperative analysis of the use of Nylon and V-Loc wound closure in patients with anterolateral thigh flap

指導教授 : 李亞欣


目的:口腔癌是頭頸部惡性腫瘤中預後最壞的腫瘤之一,發病早期症狀不明顯也不具特異性,發現時往往已為晚期。主要治療方式有手術、放射/化學治療,但治療結果與預後均差。本研究欲探究口腔癌患者使用健保給付Nylon縫線與自費縫線V-Loc之疤痕研究探討。 方法與資料:資料來源為中部某醫學中心整形外科口腔癌手術患者取前外側大腿皮瓣使用Nylon與V-Loc傷口閉合,以2016年至2017年中部某醫學中心整形外科口腔癌患者病歷為研究對象,經篩選後研究樣本為26人。口腔癌手術患者在手術前,醫師推薦給病患自費傷口縫合裝置V-Loc,請病患自由選擇縫線,經由醫師解說,由病患自願性加入。病患在手術過程中,先做基本資料紀錄。 研究結果:不論是病患滿意度、病患傷口復原程度評估都完全認同V-Loc有效減少傷口裂開、有效降低傷口感染、無須拆線、減低疼痛、傷口痊癒美觀。且其中有四位病患同時使用Nylon與V-Loc於左右兩腳,亦明顯比較V-Loc比Nylon縫合之傷口癒合更美觀、更漂亮。 結論:V-Loc成效良好,建議可以將V-Loc推廣在各科縫合表皮傷口。


口腔癌 手術 外側大腿皮瓣 美觀


Objective: Oral Cancer is one of the worst prognosis malignant tumors on head and neck. The early onset is not obviously and has no specific. It is usually at the later stages once discovered. The most common treatment methods are surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The result and prognosis of all above treatment methods are bad. This research is to comparison of the stitch scars between the Health Insurance covered Nylon suture and the self-paid V-Loc suture on oral cancer patients. Methods and Data: Data from a medical center for orthopedic surgery in patients with oral surgery to take the anterolateral thigh skin flap using Nylon and V-Loc wound closed to 2016 to 2017 a central medical center orthopedic oral cancer patients for medical records Subjects, after screening the study sample for 26 people. Patients with oral cancer surgery before surgery, the physician recommended to the patient at their own expense wound stitching device V-Loc, the patient free choice suture, by the physician comment, by the patient voluntarily joined. Patients in . It is the course of surgery, do the basic data record. Results: Regardless of patient satisfaction, the assessment of the degree of recovery of the patient's lesions are fully recognized V-Loc effectively reduce wound dehiscence, effectively reduce wound infection, no need to dislocate, reduce pain, wound healing. And four of the patients with both Nylon and V-Loc in the left and right feet, but also significantly more V-Loc than Nylon suture wound healing more beautiful, more beautiful. Conclusion: V-Loc has a good effect, and it is suggested that V-Loc can be used to spread the wound in each section.


oral cancer surgery lateral thigh flap beautiful


