  • 學位論文


The Development of Taiwan Quality of Life Scale (QoL) and QoL Investigation for Patients with Visual Impairment

指導教授 : 鄭靜瑩


本研究旨在探討臺灣視覺功能缺損者生活品質量表之編製暨視覺功能缺損者生活品質。研究方法採問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「臺灣視覺功能缺損者生活品質量表」為研究工具,視覺功能缺損者為研究對象。針對研究對象進行一對一訪談取得正式有效樣本151份,所得資料採描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定加以處理,歸納本研究結果如下: 一、 視覺功能缺損病患之生活品質現況   視覺功能缺損病患的生活品質在「家庭與社區」向度中受到自主交通工具的使用、陌生環境的適應、生育子女的考量、以及家庭整體收入等因素的影響。 在「學校」向度中,受試者表示沒有問題或能自行使用輔具解決的比例偏高,足見視障教育在視覺功能缺傷病患就學階段的重要性。 在「就業」向度中,選擇無法回答或因困難而放棄的比例高達六至七成,顯示視覺功能缺傷病患在視覺功能退化發生後放棄就業的意向,足見國家勞政對身心障礙者輔導就業的情況不理想。 二、 背景變項與視覺功能缺損病患生活品質的影響 1. 不同性別在視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度方面的t考驗分析結果顯示,除了在就業向度上男性得分較女性高達顯著差異,在家庭與社區與學校向度上皆無顯著差異。 2. 不同年齡的視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度的單因子變異數分析結果顯示,在家庭與社區、學校、就業中皆達顯著差異 3. 不同發病年齡的視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度的單因子變異數分析結果顯示除在家庭與社區中未達顯著差異,在學校、就業中皆達顯著差異 4. 有無身心障礙證明在視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度方面的t考驗分析結果顯示,除了在就業向度上沒有顯著差異之外,在家庭與社區在學校向度上皆達顯著差異。 三、 生理變項與視覺功能缺損病患生活品質的影響 1. 不同慣用視力的視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度的單因子變異數分析結果顯示在家庭與社區、在學校、在就業中皆達顯著差異。 2. 不同視野狀態在視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度方面的t考驗分析結果顯示,在家庭與社區與學校與在就業向度上皆無顯著差異。 3. 不同眼睛疾病在視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度方面的t考驗分析結果顯示,白內障與其他水晶體疾病患者、糖尿病視網膜病變者在學校向度上患病者達顯著差異,黃斑部病變者在家庭與社區向度上達顯著差異,青光眼的患者在就業向度上達顯著差異,老年性黃斑部病變在學校及就業向度上達顯著差異。 4. 眼睛症狀在視覺功能缺損患者對生活品質在各向度方面,的t考驗分析結果顯示各種眼睛症狀無論在家庭與社區、學校或就業總向度填答得分上皆無顯著差異。   最後根據研究結果研究者提出對社政、勞政單位及病患的建議及未來研究之參考。


Purpose:The purpose of study was to develop thefirst Taiwan quality of life scale and to investigatethe QoL for patients with visual impairment. Meethods:Participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire with good validity and reliability which was adopted by researchers.151patients were transferred from low vision clinics or ophthalmology clinics, aged from 18 to 91 participated in the study.Data were then analyzed with descriptive statistics, k statistic and Crobachα,independent sample t test, ANOVA, Pearson and SpearmaCorrelation, Chi-squareand Tukey test by using the SPSS 22 package. Results: 1.QoL for patients with visual impairment. (1)In the "Family and Community" dimension, QoL wasaffected byvehicles usetounfamiliar surroundings,childbearing,family income and other factors. (2) In the "School" dimension, high proportion of participants chose“no problems” or“can be resolved” which showed that the special education played animportant role betweenstudentswith visual impairment. (3) In the "Job" dimension, about 60~70% chose“unable to answer” or “give up” which showedthe laborers’policy wasnot complete. 2.Background and QoL for patients with visual impairment. (1)Gender:In the"Job" dimension, male got significantly higher scorethan female,butshowed no significant differences in the” Family and Community” and “School” dimensions. (2)Ages: Significantly different in all dimensions. (3) Age of eye disease onset:Significantly differentin”School” and “ Job” dimensions. (4)Impairment certification:Significantly different in ”Family and Community” and”School” dimensions. 3.Physiological and QoL for patients with visual impairment. (1)Habital visual acuity:Significantly different in all dimensions. (2)Visual Field:no significant differences in all dimensions. (3)Eye diseases:Macular degeneration with significant differences in ”Family and Community”dimension.Cataract and other lens diseases, diabetic retinopathy, age-related maculardegeneration showed significant differencesin“School”dimension.Glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration showed significant differences in"Job"dimension. (4)Eye symptoms:no significant differences in all dimensions. Discussion:Gender, Ages, Age of eye disease onset, impairment certification, Habital visual acuity, and Eye diseasesmight have influence on QoL for patients with Visual impairment; in addition, suggestions were made as reference to government,educational units and patients themselves. Moreover, related studies for the future were also suggested.


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