  • 學位論文

早產兒早期發展與母親產後憂鬱和連結的 相關性

Relationships Among Early Development of Preterm Infants , Postnatal Depression and the Postpartum Bonding

指導教授 : 唐詠雯


背景與目的: 近年來研究有分別探討早產兒的發展、早產兒母親產後憂鬱和產後連結情形,但並未討論三者之間的相關性。本研究的目的為探討出院前早產兒的發展與其母親產後憂鬱和產後連結情形,並分析早產兒發展與母親產後憂鬱及產後連結的相關性。方法:本研究整理62名早產兒出院前的病歷資料(包含出生體重、出生週數、住院天數、合併症和嬰幼兒動作評估分數【TIMP】),並請母親填寫愛丁堡產後憂鬱症評估表(EPDS)及產後連結問卷(PBQ)。結果:早產兒住院天數、慢性肺疾病、腦室內出血和貧血會影響早產兒出院時TIMP分數。早產兒出生週數、出生體重、住院天數與早產兒視網膜病變影響母親在早產兒出院時的產後憂鬱現象。早產兒出院時約四分之一早產兒有發展慢的情況,母親於早產兒出院前時有高達64.52%有產後憂鬱情形和91.94%產後連結異常。早產兒母親在早產兒出院前憂鬱情形和早產兒出院前TIMP分數是有明顯相關。早產兒母親在早產兒出院前憂鬱情形和產後連結情形也是明顯互相影響的。結論:早產兒出院前,物理治療師除了早產兒的發展評估外,也需要留意早產兒母親產後憂鬱與產後連結情形。


Background and Purpose: Recent studies was to investigate the development of preterm children, postpartum bonding and postnatal depression, but did not discuss the correlations between them. The purpose of this study was to explore the development of preterm infant and postpartum bonding and postnatal depression. In addition to further investigate the correlations between development of preterm children and postnatal depression and postpartum bonding. Methods: In this study, a total of 62 Taiwanese preterm infants finished medical records (including birth body weight, GA, length of stay, complications and TIMP score) before discharge, and invited the mother to fill out the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire ). Results: Length of hospital stay, chronic lung disease, intraventricular hemorrhage and anemia can affect TIMP scores before discharge. Birth gestational week , birth weight, length of hospital stay and retinopathy of premature can affect postnatal depression. About a quarter of preterm children have developments delay before discharge , up to 64.52% preterm infant’s mothers have postnatal depression phenomena and up to 91.94% have abnormal postpartum bonding before discharge. High levels of postpartum depression in mothers of preterm infants are associated with lower TIMP scores in their infants before discharge. High levels of postpartum depression in mothers of preterm infants are associated with mother-infant relationship disorders . Conclusion: In addition to the take care preterm infant development before discharged,physical therapist also need to pay attention to postnatal depression and postpartum mother-infant bonding.


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