  • 學位論文


Expression pattern and functional assay of zebrafish diras2 gene

指導教授 : 許立松


Small GTPase中Ras GTPase是最耳熟能詳的,Ras家族又被稱作是Ras superfamily是由許多的子家族構成的巨大家族,是藉由GEPs (Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors 和GAPs (GTPase Activating Proteins) 來調控其蛋白活性。Ras家族會透過Rho家族一起進行訊息傳遞,Rho家族又以Rho A、CDC 42、Rac 1最為重要,當Rho家族或其訊號下游有缺陷時會產生神經退化疾病,如阿茲海默症、帕金生氏症等。近年來的研究發現Ras superfamily中新發現的Diras 家族有別於其他Ras GTPase不太一樣的水解機制。Diras 2是一個新被發現的Ras GTPase主要表現在腦部以及神經的位置上,而透過實驗的結果了解到diras family或許可以提供一個不同於其他Ras GTPases新的分子機轉研究的方向。




Small GTPase are a family of hydrolase enzymes that can bind and hydrolyze guanosine triphosphate (GTP). The most well-known members are the Ras GTPases and which sometimes called Ras superfamily GTPases. Over the past years, researchers have identified many components of the pathway that mediate Ras activation and effector function. The Ras proteins function as regulated GDP/GTP switches that cycle between active GTP-complex and inactive GDP-complex states. Additionally, Ras regulator the actin filament system, and regulate actin dynamics.Rho proteins have also important roles in regulating the organization of actin dynamics. Recent studies have shown the association between GTPase and neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer, Parkinson’s). Here, we identify a new ras member diras2 which belongs to a distinct branch of the GTPase family, but has a distinct mechanism of hydrolysis. DiRas2 predominantly expressed in brain. Our data show that Diras may be involved in novel cellular functions distinct from other Ras-related GTPases.




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