  • 學位論文


Mind and life satisfaction after spouse death in older people in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉志嶸


目的:本研究探討喪偶之台灣中老年人,其喪偶後之老年心境及生活滿意度。 方法:使用1989年至2007年之台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤數據,受訪者是60歲以上族群。老年心境分成老人再婚(1989-2003)、心境對象(1993-2003)、心境議題(1996-2007);生活滿意度以生活滿意度量表(1996-2007)測量。進行卡方檢定、羅吉斯迴歸模型和polynomial logistic regression等分析。 結果:喪偶老人對老人再娶議題之贊同情形,喪偶後第1次和第2次追蹤的時間點都傾向不贊同(OR1=0.65,OR2=0.67),老人再嫁議題也是類似,傾向保持不贊同(OR1=0.65,OR2=0.64),年齡層之分層分析,年齡越大(<75歲、65-75歲、<65歲)越偏向不贊同老人再娶(OR1=0.63,0.60,0.93)及再嫁(OR1=0.59,0.60,4.44);女性較於男性更傾向不贊同老人再娶(OR1=0.40,0.90)及再嫁(OR1=0.19,0.89)。談心(OR=0.60)、關心(OR=0.80)和依靠對象(OR=0.83),喪偶後不論多久都大多找兒孫輩。對親友的幫助程度,喪偶後第一追蹤時間點,,喪偶老人傾向認為沒有幫助(OR2=1.69),特別是女性喪偶者(OR2=2.69)。家人決定事情是否詢問意見之議題,顯示教育程度愈高愈認為大部分會問、自覺健康滿意者易覺得偶爾問、IADL失能的老人則傾向覺得從來不問(OR=3.13),有憂鬱傾向(CESD大於等於10分)的人傾向覺得家人做決定偶爾問(OR=2.96)和從來不問(OR=2.26)該老人的意見。生活滿意度中之這些年是否為一生中最好的日子(OR=0.51)和做的事是否有意思(OR=0.17),憂鬱傾向者回答傾向較不滿意,做的事並非單調枯橾該題,行動能力失能者傾向認為是單調枯橾(OR=0.57)。 結論:喪偶老人在喪偶前、喪偶後第1次和喪偶後第2次追蹤的時間點都保持不贊同老人再婚的態度,且越老者此傾向越明顯,女性較於男性更傾向於不贊同。談心、關心和依靠對象,喪偶後傾向找兒孫輩。對親友的幫助程度,剛喪偶時喪偶老人易認為沒有幫助,特別是女性喪偶者。生活滿意度之這些年是否為一生中最好的日子和你對你做的事是否有意思,憂鬱者傾向回答不滿意,所做的事非單調枯橾,行動能力失能者傾向認為單調枯橾。


老人喪偶 心境 生活滿意度 再婚


Study aims:This study aims to investigate the relationships between the widowhood and mind or life satisfaction in the middle-aged and elderly people in Taiwan. Methods:Using Taiwan Longitudinal Study on Aging survey data in1989 to 2007, those who aged 60 years or older. Mind and life satisfaction variables are measured. Chi-square test, logistic regression model and polynomial logistic regression are applied for statistical analysis. Results:Widowed elders tend to disagree the remarry-in-male issure in the 1st and 2nd follow-up time point(OR1=0.65,OR2=0.67); also in the remarry-in female issue, tend to disagree in 1st and 2nd follow-up time point (OR1=0.65, OR2=0.64), these disagreements are even strengthened in female and more elderly people. Who can talk with/take care you/rely on (OR=0.60 / OR=0.80 / OR=0.83), the widowed elderly are looking for their sons/daughters or grandsons/granddaughters then others.. Widowed people tend to disagree “themselves to be good helpers”(OR2=1.69), especially in female widowed(OR2=2.69). Conclusions:Wodowed elders tend to disagree the remarry issues, especially in female. In the issues “who can talk with/take care you/rely on”, most widowed elders look for their sons/daughters or grandsons/granddaughters. Most widowed people disagree “themselves to be good helpers”, especially in famle.


widowed elders mind life satisfaction remarry


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