  • 學位論文


The study of induction of apoptosis in human oral cancer cell lines OC2 by Coptis Chinensis in Chingwaysan

指導教授 : 黃裕峰




黃連 清胃散 口腔癌 細胞凋亡


Cancer has ranked number one among the top ten leading causes of death in Taiwan. Among all cancers, oral cancer has risen to the fourth highest cause of cancer-related mortality among men in Taiwan. Moreover, it is also the cancer that has had the most dramatic change in the number of diagnosed patients and the number of total deaths among the top ten leading cancers. Currently, chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy have been well acknowledged to be the three main treatments for malignant tumors in the medical field. Chemotherapy has effects on making cancer cells extinct clinically by systematic treatment or as an adjuvant to other therapies. Thus, there have been constant efforts to develop new anti-tumor drugs with better therapeutic effects in the medical field. Apoptosis, also called programmed cell death, is a spontaneous and sequential death controlled by genes to maintain stability within the cellular environment. Although some oncogenes and cancer suppressor genes related with apoptosis have been identified recently, there is limited understanding of the biochemical mechanism of the genes and the roles of apoptosis on tumorigenesis, tumor development, and tumor regression. However, modulating apoptosis has shed new light on tumor treatment. Even though Chinese Medicine has a history spanning several thousand years, its treatment of tumors has been considered to be a non-scientific and uncertain folk treatment. Thus, in order to promote tumor treatment using Chinese Medicine, it is necessary to understand the pharmacological mechanisms of Chinese herbs using scientific methods and to build a theoretical basis for their use. We have previously found that the survival rate of oral cancer cell line (OC2) decreases via apoptosis pathway when treated with a Chinese medicinal formula, chingwaysan. In this study, we further investigated the effect of different Chinese herbs of chingwaysan at various concentrations on the cell survival rate. By analyzing p21 and BAX (pro-apoptotic protein) and evaluating the DNA breakage in cancer cells, we found that coptis chinensis inhibits cancer cell growth and increases the amount of anti-cancer proteins, resulting in DNA fragmentation. The results are similar to the results of the previous experiments with chingwaysan. Therefore, coptis chinensis plays an important role in the inhibiting effects of chingwaysan on oral cancer cell growth via apoptosis.


Coptis Chinensis Chingwaysan apoptosis oral cancer


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