  • 學位論文


The Music Control System of Post-war Taiwan(1945-1991)

指導教授 : 薛化元


戒嚴時期的台灣並沒有一套針對「音樂」管理的完整策略,音樂的管制與推廣,只是涵蓋在國家文化政策下的環節之一。本論文調閱台灣省政府、交通部、教育部、文化部、教育廣播電台等檔案資料,以梳理音樂管制的相關法令及執行單位為目的,試圖建構出戰後台灣戒嚴時期(1945-1991年)的音樂管制體系。   由本文的整理可知,政府在戰後初期的音樂管制上沿用「出版法」作為法令依據,仰賴台灣省警備總司令部與警政機關對音樂進行取締與檢查。1950年代開始,音樂的管制工作不僅加入交通部、教育部、內政部等單位,警備總部仍舊扮演取締、監聽及審查音樂的重要角色,欲將原先「事後審查」的機制逐漸導向「事前審查」。1960年代開始,政府試圖簡化文化事業的管理並逐步調整歌曲審查業務單位,最終於1973年正式由行政院新聞局接管音樂出版品的管理。   戰後的台灣長期處於「非常體制」之下,不只中央政府與地方省政府的管轄範圍高度重疊,因「戰時」名義而凍結正常的民主憲政體制,導致軍方權力無限上綱,出現一般行政體系與軍事體系平行運作的情況,政府因體制紊亂,在音樂的管制單位與管理辦法上時常出現模糊不清、標準不一、疊床架屋的現象。


During the martial law period, there is no integral policy of regulating music in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the laws and the enforcement units of music regulation during martial law period in Taiwan (1945-1991). Relevant archives of the Taiwan Provincial Government, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, and the Educational Broadcasting Station were reviewed. The results indicated that the government used the "Publishing Law" as the legal basis for music regulation in the early postwar period, and relied on the garrison headquarters and police agencies as main enforcement units of music regulation. In addition to these units, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of the Interior also played roles in music regulation after 1950s. However, the garrison headquarters still played a major role in banning, monitoring and censoring music. The original regulation of "post-examination" was gradually shifted to "pre-examination". Beginning in the 1960s, the government tried to simplify the management of cultural affairs and adjust enforcement units of music regulation. Finally, in 1973, the Government Information Office officially took over the business of music regulation. In summary, music regulation in Taiwan has been under a "unusual system" for a long time. There is a high redundant of jurisdiction between central government and the local governments. In additions, democratic constitutional system had been hindered by the martial law, which enabled the government and military to abuse power. The government administrative system and the military system usually operate simultaneously, which makes the government being often in a disorder, ambiguous, lack of standards, and overlapping jurisdiction situation.


