  • 學位論文


Domain Name Dispute Resolution And Procedure of Judicial Remedy

指導教授 : 王立達


摘要 負責發放網域名稱的ICANN及與其合作的各個網路管理機構因採取「先申請、先註冊」之原則,兼且不審查網域名稱是否侵害他人權利,造成搶先登記網域名稱的案例層出不窮。本文即欲由當前之網域名稱爭議現況出發,探究此種新興之網路爭議在傳統法律上之適用及其對傳統法律之衝擊,並輔以近年國際上新出現之網域名稱爭議解決機制之處理現狀,以期解決法律適用上不明之窘境。 域名間發生爭議時,若是國際糾紛,目前已發展出國際間爭議解決的機制。若是國內爭議,則目前多數國已經按照關於網域名稱爭議解決之跨國協議內容制定國內法,其爭議之解決有法可尋。但若爭議之發生是與其他權利相衝突時,如與商標權相衝突,與公司企業名稱相衝突時,又該尋何解決之道,係為本文亟欲釐清的問題與任務。本文一方面探詢可能的請求權基礎與法律效果,並補充我國實務的意見;他方面嘗試在救濟途徑抉擇上,以社會科學傳統的歸納法,羅列各種可能的組合,並提出管見。


Abstract ICANN, which is responsible for assigning domain names, and each network management institutions that cooperate with it have adopted the principle of “first come, first serve,” and do not examine whether the domain name infringes others’ rights or not, resulting in an unprecedented number of cases of preemptive registration of domain names. This paper first discusses the current status of domain name disputes, and then tries to explore the emerging Internet controversy on the traditional law and its impact on traditional law. In order to solve the unclear situation of the application of the law, it also discusses the status quo of the newly international domain name dispute resolution mechanism in recent years. In the event of an international dispute between domain names, a mechanism for international dispute resolution has been developed. In the case of domestic disputes, most countries have now enacted domestic laws in accordance with the content of the transnational agreement on dispute resolution of domain names, and the resolution of disputes is legally available. However, if the dispute occurs in conflict with other rights, such as conflicting with trademark rights or conflicting with the company's corporate name, how we should deal with it is the problem and task that this paper wants to clarify. On the one hand, the paper investigates about possible basis of claim with its legal effect and supplies the practice opinions in our country. The other hand the paper tries to list possible combinations of remedies with inductive method of social science along with personal opinions.


