  • 學位論文

基於語料庫之近義詞與中介語分析—— 以「改變」、「轉變」、「轉換」為例

Syntactic and Semantic Analyses of gaibian, zhuanbian and zhuanhuan in Native Language and Interlanguage Corpora

指導教授 : 賴惠玲


近義詞教學需奠基於語言本體上的辨析。在本論文中,先歸納前人針對不同詞類的近義詞所採用的分析方式,之後針對目標詞「改變」、「轉變」與「轉換」透過國教院語料庫隨機各取1111筆語料,由字源探究、句法結構、共現名詞與副詞、語意角色、路徑概念與意象圖示多面向分析,並由中介語語料庫觀察學習者的表現。   透過語料歸納發現,「改變」傾向使動用法,最高頻句式為「NP1+改變+NP2」,「轉變」傾向起動用法,最高頻句式為「NP2+轉變」,「轉換」上述兩句式比例接近,不過「AB轉換」結構為其獨有。在共現名詞與語意角色上,這三個動詞的NP1皆以有生命體居多,語意角色多為施事;NP2的語意角色以〈終點類〉之下的〈內容〉居首,〈主體類〉次之,三者皆可與抽象名詞搭配,另外「改變」以活動類名詞、具體有生命體,「轉變」以心理狀態類與有生命體,「轉換」以具體無生命體為相對高頻共現名詞。 在高頻共現副詞上,「改變」較常與態度副詞共現,「轉變」較常與時間副詞共現,與「轉換」共現的「互相」、「相互」則未見於另兩個動詞。路徑上,三者皆極少呈現完整路徑,僅呈現部分視窗,在意象圖示上,「改變」、「轉變」為單一範疇內部有所變化,「轉換」則有兩個以上不同範疇的預設,「改變」的主事者最常共現,「轉變」的外部力量最常隱現。   在中介語表現上,學習者能夠主動使用這三個動詞,但是「改變」有詞類與用法上的系統性偏誤,也有語意搭配上的錯誤,建議教師可給予學習者這三個動詞的共現句式與由語料庫篩選而出的高頻搭配詞,補充若要與「結果」共現的必備語法成份,並適時採用意象圖示說明語意內涵,由認知角度減少共現名詞搭配錯誤。


近義詞 改變 轉變 轉換 中介語 語料庫


A solid investigation and analysis into the linguistic ontologies is the basis of effective instruction of synonyms. In this dissertation, we have, first of all, reviewed the various methods adopted by researchers in conducting their analyses into synonyms across parts of speech. We then have selected randomly 1111 data for each of our target items, namely, gaibian, zhuanbian and zhuanhuan, from the corpus compiled by the National Academy for Educational Research. The said data have then been examined from the perspective of etymology, before we have drawn their respective syntactic structures, sorted out the nouns and adverbs which they most-commonly collocate with. We have also defined their semantic roles, mapped out their conceptual pathways as well as their image schemas. Learners’ performances have also been observed by looking into the interlanguage corpora. Investigation into the corpora has found that gaibian is very often used in the sense of causative verbs, with “NP1 + gaibian + NP2” as its most commonly-used syntactic pattern. zhuanbian tends to be used in an inchoative sense, and appears most frequently in the structure “NP2 + zhuanbian”. While zhuanhuan has shown up in the two syntactic structures at nearly equal ratio, it has also been used in “AB zhuanhuan” structure, which is unique among the three target items. As to their collocated nouns and semantic roles, these three verbs are the same, in that their NP1 are mostly animate, and, in most cases, agents of the events. Nouns playing the “content” role, a sub-category under the semantic label “goal” rank at the top among the nouns occupying the NP2 spot in terms of frequency, while those playing the role “theme” follow. All of the three target items can collocate with abstract nouns. gaibian co-occurs very often with concrete, animate nouns as well as activities nouns. The nouns which co-occur with zhuanbian are mostly descriptions of mental states, and are animate, too. zhuanhuan, however, is a verb frequently associated with concrete, inanimate nouns. As regard to their co-occurring adverbs, gaibian collocates mostly with attitudinal adverbs, while pairings between adverbs of time and zhuanbian are common. huxiang or xianghu, which are combined frequently with zhuanhuan, never collocate with gaibian or zhuanbian. And when it comes to their conceptual pathways, all of the three present partial windows; they seldom complete a pathway. Image schemas of the three verbs show that gaibian and zhuanbian are used to indicate changes within one single domain, while zhuanhuan presupposes the involvement of two or more than two domains. The agents of gaibian are explicit most of the time; the external forces of zhuanbian are normally implicit. The examination of learners’ interlanguage corpus has indicated that learners are capable of active use of all the three verbs. However, systematic errors in parts of speech and semantic collocations have been found in learners’ data of gaibian. Pedagogical advices include: 1. teachers map out the relevant syntactic patterns and give a list of the frequently-co-occurred words based on the findings sorted out from corpus; 2. teachers enumerate the grammatical elements integral to the presentation of the “results” of the events; and, last but not the least, 3. whenever appropriate, teachers can illustrate the semantic contents of the verbs with image schemas. The application of cognitive approach to instruction help learners reduce errors in their choice of co-occurring nouns.


Synonyms Gaibian Zhuanbian Zhuanhuan Interlanguage Corpus


