  • 學位論文


The Study of Evolution and Expression on the Inscription of Western Zhou

指導教授 : 蔡哲茂


西周金文為當時貴族所書寫而鑄造在青銅器上,具有強烈的書面語性質,又因貴族身份而在遣詞用字上力求典雅。歷代學者多已注意到西周金文有反覆出現的用語,又認識到這些用語能反應當時風尚與社會變遷。是故本文以西周金文中常見用語為研究對象,以現有的斷代成果將西周金文用語按照時代排列、歸納,並以冊命文書、追述銘辭、作器用途銘辭與祝嘏銘辭四部分為框架,觀察西周金文用語流變現象與成因。 在西周早期,銘文中尚存商代卜辭用語,進入西周中期後,冊命銘文興起,大量冊命用語出現,舊有商人用語被淘汰或改造。在此一時期,追述銘辭也產生以追述祖先之德的新型態,相關用語也應運而生。作器用途銘辭在西周中期也淘汰掉西周早期的用語,發展出了新的形式。 此外,在西周中期,祝嘏銘辭這類新的內容開始活躍於西周金文中。在西周中期,祝嘏銘辭初具規模,形式較為質樸、簡單。進入西周晚期,其種類增加,愈趨繁複多樣。 總結這些用語變革,本文認為西周金文用語的流變的原因有二,其一為鑄造青銅禮器的性質,其二為冊命體制的建立。鑄造青銅禮器的性質,在於紀念,因此用以表彰紀念的用語在西周金文中能夠長久不衰。而冊命體制建立後,貴族將冊命文書以銘文的形式記錄。因為來源於宮廷文書,其用語被確立後便很少有所更動。隨著冊命體制建立,社會、政治背景改變,部分西周早期的用語被淘汰,而祝嘏銘辭在內的相關用語隨之興起。


西周 金文 用語 冊命銘文 社會變遷


Inscription in Western Zhou was for aristocracy and was inscribed on the bronzes then. The feature of the most inscription character is written language. Because of aristocracy’s identity of bronzes’ owner, there is tendency for wording which always use classical vocabulary on these inscriptions. Many historical experts noticed that the figure of speech is repetition and realized that can express the evolution of the society and culture. This essay will discuss the common words on inscription of Western Zhou. Then, I arrange Western Zhou common Inscriptions by era. The structure of essay is classified by investiture, the news recording on the inscription, words of manual, divination and congratulations and then I discover the phenomena and cause by observing this evolution of inscriptions. In the early Western Zhou, the oracle bone script of Shang dynasty still survives on the inscription of Early Western Zhou. After Medieval Western Zhou dynasty, appointment inscriptions were boom and the old fashion business vocabularies are dead or deviated. In this time, the recording of the inscription turn to a new form of writing and its topic always narrates its ancestor’s merit. In the meanwhile, there are many relative words appearing on the inscriptions. The function of ritual bronze left out words of the early Western Zhou Dynasty and developed a new style of figure speech. In addition, in Middle Western Zhou dynasty, divinations and congratulations are often seen and more popular on the inscription. In the beginning, they are numerous with simple natural form. Its style become various forms and increasable in diversity. In conclusion, there are two reasons for the evolution of words. One is Ritual vessels. The other is investiture. The characteristic of ritual vessels is memorable. As a result, the inscription of Western Zhou Dynasty can be everlasting. After appoint system is constructed, appointment inscription is recorded in the form of inscription by the aristocracy. The wording is seldom to change, owing to the feature of the court documents. As appointment inscription system is constructed, the society, politics, and background has changed. Some of early Western Zhou dynasty goes out. Then the relative words of congratulation and divination come alive.



