  • 學位論文


Religious Symbols of Cross-Ethnicity and Gender: A Comparative Study of Ma-zu and Kuan-yin Pilgrimages in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡源林


台灣各地區存在多元族群的「文化混雜性」(cultural hybridity),也有不同族群的宗教認同共同體,且因台灣的土地範疇不太,漫長歷史過程中,各社群或族群的遷移流動和接觸頻繁,尤其歷代政權的各種政策,對於民眾的信仰也產生複雜影響。宗教群體(religious community)和王朝領域(dynastic realm)可視為相關的兩個文化體系(cultural systems);換言之,本論文探討在王朝、族群及宗教社群之中,如何再生產(reproduce)共同的宗教信仰,如何詮釋過去的「歷史」;尤其是王朝為達成統治的合理化及民眾共同意識的建立,往往藉由建立一種權威性傳統(an authoritative tradition),來號召民眾的認同和歷史感。 回顧台灣以往的研究,較忽略閩粵移民與台灣平埔原住民之間的互動關係,另一方面,對於歷代政權的治理,以及倡導官民合作的建廟和舉辦祭典活動,做為攏絡民心及信仰習俗的規範與治理,以及對於跨地域、跨祖籍,尤其在跨族群研究方面,則較少著墨。因此台灣歷代政權統治,以及不同族群的交互作用,對於與民俗及宗教信仰,以及相關儀式活動的建構和影響,也是本論文探討的課題。 本論文共有三大部分,第一部分是漢傳佛教的觀音信仰方面,主要是呈現觀音法門和女相「化身」的經典依據,以及妙善傳說的孝道與梵行實踐。第二部分針對皇朝王權與媽祖信仰,以及性別文化與倫理教化方面,第三部分則是有關「跨族群」信仰象徵的建立,並藉由祭典和聯庄的遶境活動,成為泛漢人的聯盟及防止「番害」,並導致族群勢力移轉的意涵。此三部分看似缺乏直線式的關連,但在帝國統治和多族群的台灣複雜歷史過程,卻是民眾生活和信仰之間密切相關的重要環節。 論文結論是提出三大層面的比較研究,首先是比較佛教與民俗信仰的基本差異,針對漢傳佛教在經典教義、修行法門和觀音朝山活動,與媽祖信仰和儀式活動的不同性質,二是針對媽祖香火儀式的在台灣歷史脈絡,蘊含的社會文化意義,此亦不同於觀音信仰的修行實踐活動,第三節是比較媽祖信仰和儀式活動,與世俗權力、性別與跨族群的關聯及象徵意涵。


There is actually a multi-ethnic “cultural hybridity” in various regions of Taiwan, and there are also ethno-religious identity of communitarianism with different ethnic groups, and because the territory in Taiwan is not very large, the migration and contact of various communities or ethnic groups in the long historical process, especially the various policies of successive regimes, have also had a complex impact on the people's beliefs. Religious communities and dynastic realms can be seen as two related cultural systems; In other words, this paper explores how to reproduce common religious beliefs in dynastic, ethnic, and religious communities, and how to interpret the “history” of the past; In particular, dynasties, in order to rationalize their dominance and establish a common consciousness of the people, often called on the people's identity and sense of history by establishing an authoritative tradition. Looking back at Taiwan's previous research, the interaction between Fujian-Cantonese immigrants and the pingpu indigenous peoples of Taiwan is more neglected, on the other hand, there is less attention to the governance of successive regimes, as well as the construction of temples and the holding of festivals that advocate cooperation between the government and the people, as a norm and governance to win the hearts and minds of the people and beliefs and customs, and to cross-regional and cross-ancestral origins, especially in cross-ethnic studies. Therefore, the successive regimes of Taiwan and the interaction of different ethnic groups are also the topics discussed in this paper for the construction and influence of folk customs and religious beliefs, as well as related ritual activities. There are three parts of this treatise, the first of which is the Guanyin belief in Chinese Buddhism, which mainly presents the classical basis of the Guanyin Dharma and the female “incarnation”, as well as the filial piety and Buddhism practice of the Miaoshan legend. The second part deals with imperial monarchy and Mazu beliefs, as well as gender culture and ethical indoctrination, while the third part deals with the establishment of "cross-ethnic" religious symbols, which through rituals, the relocation of union villages, and Pilgrimage becomes an alliance of pan-Han Chinese and prevents indigenous peoples and leads to the transfer of ethnic power. These three parts may seem to lack linear connections, but the complex historical process of imperial rule and multi-ethnic Taiwan is an important link between popular life and beliefs. The conclusion of the paper is to put forward a comparative study of three major levels, the first is to compare the basic differences between Buddhism and folk beliefs, for the different natures of Chinese Buddhism in its classical teachings and practice methods, Guanyin pilgrimage activities, and the Mazu belief and ritual activities; the second is to target the historical context of the Mazu incense ceremony in Taiwan, the social and cultural significance contained in it, which is also different from the practice of Guanyin faith; and the third section is to compare the relationship and symbolic meaning of Mazu belief and ritual and secular power, gender and cross-ethnicity.


《大正新脩大藏經》、《卍新纂續藏經》與《嘉興藏》的資料引用,是出自「中華電子佛典協會」 (Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association, 簡稱 CBETA) 的線上電子佛典。
《大方廣佛華嚴經》,《大正藏》冊10,第279號。CBETA 2022.Q3, T09, no. 278。
《佛說文殊師利法寶藏陀羅尼經》,《大正藏》冊20, 第1185A號。CBETA 2022.Q3, T20, no. 1185A。
