  • 學位論文


A Study of Semantic Interpretation of Mandarin Resultative Verb Compounds and its Pedagogical Applications: A Lexical-Semantic Account

指導教授 : 張郇慧


結果複合動詞的語義複雜多樣,可指向主語或賓語。其中,語義指向主語是華語結果複合動詞的特性(Li C.,2008)。語義複雜性來自於內部動詞成分(V1和V2)的論旨角色與句法功能的論元關係,目前已有許多語言本體研究關注並分析結果複合動詞的連結問題。然而,前人研究分析的語料不多,未能涵蓋實際的語言使用情況。因此,本論文將根據前人研究的基礎,探討決定論元連結形式的因素,以V2的致使性預測結果複合動詞在主動及物句的語義指向。具有致使性的V2分成內部致使狀態改變以及外部致使狀態改變,少數有兼類的情況(Shibagaki,2010)。 透過母語者語料庫「國教院語料庫」和「中文詞彙特性速描系統」進行語料分析,理論上當外部致使狀態改變動詞作為V2時,結果複合動詞語義指向賓語;當內部致使狀態改變動詞作為V2時,V1在句子中帶有兩個論元,結果複合動詞語義可指向主語。除了詞彙–語義之外,語用因素也納入考量之一,因為句子的主題(topic)也會影響結果複合動詞的論元體現。最後,根據研究結果,並且參考國教院「臺灣華語文能力基準」以及Larsen-Freeman(2001b)的三維語法教學,從形式、意義和用法這三個方面設計結果複合動詞的教學內容框架,以供研究者、教學者及學習者參考。


The semantic relations of resultative verb compounds (RVCs) in sentences are various and complex because RVCs can have a subject-/object-oriented reading. Especially, RVCs in Chinese allow the subject-oriented reading in a transitive frame or an intransitive frame (Li C., 2008). Given that the complexity of sentences containing an RVC lies in the complex thematic relations between two essential constituents, V1 and V2, there is much research concerning the linking issue. However, the sentences analyzed by researchers are limited, thus they do not reflect actual usage. In this dissertation, the researcher will discuss the factors which determine the linking of the arguments of V1 and V2 based on existing literature. Then, the researcher accepts two types of V2 in terms of their semantics Shibagaki (2010) has argued for. These include named internally-caused change of state and externally-caused change of state, except for a few that are both internally-/externally-caused change of state. The causativity of V2 can predict the semantic interpretation of RVCs in active sentences. This dissertation utilizes the corpus of the native speakers, "Chinese Word Sketch and Corpus of Contemporary Taiwanese Mandarin" for analysis. According to the results, the externally-caused change of state as V2 typically has an object-oriented reading in a transitive frame, whereas the internally-caused change of state as V2 with V1 carrying two arguments has a subject-oriented reading. Apart from the lexical-semantic account, the topic of sentences may affect argument realization of RVCs and, as a result, pragmatic should be included as one of the factors that can predict the reading of RVCs. Finally, based on the research results and reference for Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language and three-dimensional grammar (Larsen-Freeman, 2001b), the researcher designed a teaching framework of RVCs from three perspectives, i.e. form, meaning, and use, and hope this framework can be applied for future research, pedagogical approaches, and learning.


石毓智(2003)。現代漢語語法系統的建立 : 動補結構的產生及其影響。北京:北京語言大學出版社。
