  • 學位論文


The Aesthetics of Augmented Reality: finding a dynamic relationship between the virtual and the real

指導教授 : 林玲遠 李蔡彥


AR(Augmented Reality,擴增實境)已經發展了一段時間,隨著資訊技術的進步,與手機運算效能的提升,AR的應用也越來越普及。是時候檢視AR的美學層面了。   由於AR的呈現與資訊技術的發展關係密切,至今AR多被視為一種特定的資訊技術實踐,關於AR的研究也多半從資訊技術的角度切入,目前較少對於其美學的研究。   「虛擬影像和現實環境」的互動關係,是AR這種形式最特別的部分。本研究從美學研究的觀點出發,藉由文獻、當代案例、與研究者自身實踐的經驗,探討AR在空間中、時間中、與抽象化的美學概念。   本研究從研究者製作26個AR相關專案的經驗出發,透過實踐反思,提出「AR感」的概念,將AR視為某一種表現形式。並透過大量的案例觀察,提出AR的十二種表現形式,試圖依不同的視覺表現方式將AR分類,試圖促進AR在美學層面的思考。並在AR的抽象化關係探討中,建議以「替換」而非「擴增」的概念來思考AR。


After decades of development, Augmented Reality (AR) technologies have begun to grow into maturity in recent years. It is time to reflect on its aesthetical dimension. We know that AR is about the relationship between the virtual and the real. Since AR-based applications render a virtual layer on top of reality, people tend to consider it as an ‘enhancement’ – enhancement or augmentation of reality – which would imply a unidirectional, fixed relationship. By re-examining the relationship between the virtual and the real, this paper aims to suggest an aesthetical framework specific to AR media. Except from case study, the researcher’s own practical experience as an AR artist is also reflected. The relationship between the virtual and the real is explored from three aspects: spacial, temporal, and conceptual. A more relational and dynamic understanding of the relationship is delineated and concluded as the concept of ‘alternativity’. This discussion would provide new insights into AR-based applications, and let us see the technology from new perspectives.


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