  • 學位論文

偏遠地區教師流動因素與因應政策之探討- 以雲林縣國民小學為例

A Study on Factors of Teacher Mobilization and its Relevant Policy: Evidence From Elementary Schools in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 詹志禹


本研究旨在探討偏遠地區教師流動因素與相關因應政策,以教師對調動的期待來反映教師的流動傾向,希望理解教師對偏遠地區教育困境的知覺、對政策效益的知覺以及對未來政策的期待如何影響其流動傾向。   本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為雲林縣偏遠地區國民小學教師共395名,研究工具為自編之「偏遠地區教師生活與工作狀況問卷」與「偏遠地區政策知覺調查問卷」,共回收328份問卷。所得資料以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、多元迴歸分析進行統計分析。   主要研究結果如下: 一、背景變項的影響: (一)未婚、受調動限制、年輕、服務年資短或家庭距離遠的教師調動期待較高。 (二)未婚、碩士學歷以上、服務於特殊偏遠地區、有受調動限制、擔任級任或家庭距離較遠的教師,較易知覺到偏遠地區的教育困境。 二、困境知覺、政策知覺與政策期待的影響: (一)教師越知覺到教育困境,其調動期待越高;但教師越知覺到學生的學習困境,則其調動期待越低。 (二)無論教師是否感到受益於現行政策,對調動期待沒有影響。換句話說,教師對政策效益的知覺無法預測其對調動的期待。 (三)教師對調動的期待越高,則對未來政策的期待越低。 (四)教師越有知覺到當前政策的效益,則對未來政策期待越高。   根據上述結果,本研究建議有關降低偏遠地區教師流動的政策制訂,宜考量不同年齡、婚姻、學歷、年資與家庭距離者的不同需求。其次,政策性的調動限制促成教師更知覺到困境、更期待調動,該政策有待檢討。再者,現行的流動誘因政策對於教師的調動期待沒有影響,該政策亦有待檢討。最後,建議政府擬定政策時應以改善教師適應困境與生活條件困境為主,師資培育與甄選教師時應注重應徵者對於學生學習困境的感知能力。


High rates of teacher mobility in rural areas of Taiwan have been a problem for a long time. The purpose of this study was to explore related factors of teacher mobility in remote areas of Yunlin Country. It was hypothesized that teacher’s expectation of mobility would be affected by teachers’ perception of predicament of the rural, perception of policy effectiveness and expectation of future policies.   A valid sample of 328 elementary school teachers in remote areas of Yunlin County were surveyed. After statistical analysis, the following results emerged: 1. Effects of background variables: (1) Teachers who are single, younger, restricted by mobility qualification, having shorter service years, transporting from longer distances have higher expectation of mobility than others. (2) Teachers who are single, served in special remote areas, with master degree, restricted by mobility qualification, served as homeroom teachers, transporting from longer distances have stronger perception of predicament of the rural area than others. 2. Effects of rural predicament and related policies: (1) Perception of educational predicament in rural areas are positively related with expectation of mobility. However, perception of students’ learning difficulties lowers down the expectation of mobility. (2) Teachers’ perception of the effectiveness of current policies has no effect on their expectation of mobility. (3) Teachers’ expectation of mobility is negatively related with their expectation of future policy. (4) Teachers’ perception of the effectiveness of current policies is positively related with their expectation of future policies.   Based on the above results, the study suggested that the effectiveness of current policies is very limited and should be reviewed. Factors of teachers’ age, marriage status, educational levels, year of service and transportation distance can be considered in future policy-making processes. Teachers’ awareness of rural students’ learning predicament should be cultivated in teachers’ pre-service training and be considered in teacher-selection process. Finally, the teachers’ living condition in rural areas should also be improved by government.


