  • 學位論文

面對電子商務衝擊 實體零售新經營模式之研究 -以百腦匯為例

A study of new retail strategy to face with E-commerce challenge - Taking Buynow as an example

指導教授 : 詹文男


自從2000年開始電商發展以來,其快速、方便、24小時不限時間不限地點的服務特性,便漸漸開始影響實體零售,搶佔市場份額,使得實體商場人流及銷售額節節下滑。這其中,IT零售通路所受之影響又更甚:由於科技巨頭Apple發表革命性高度整合的iPod、iPhone及iPad之後,其All in one的設計削減了鍵盤、滑鼠、螢幕、DIY的需求及市場,也極大的改變了全球IT產業:週邊配件品牌大幅縮減、DIY市場快速下滑,更加的影響了以IT為主軸的3C通路,使其雪上加霜。本論文作者因長期服務於台資於中國大陸最大之IT大型連鎖通路-Buynow百腦匯,為了找尋真正新零售之解決方案決定整理此論文研究,希望為百腦匯、甚至大型零售通路找出一條戰國求生/求勝之道。 本研究探討之研究問題包括: (一)實體零售如何與電商之低價模式競爭? (二)IT通路如何解決客戶目的性購物之窠臼? (三)零售通路如何增強客戶之忠誠度? 本研究採用個案研究方法,透過相關文獻回顧及相關人士訪談,先從傳統個案標的百腦匯變革經歷說明,再輔以當前大陸主要實體通路之作法,嘗試找出實體新零售之方向,提供給實體零售通路在面對電商競爭時如何因應之參考。


Since the e-commerce started in 2000, its fast、convenient、24-hour and global service had greatly affect physical retail stores, making physical shopping decline. Among them, the impact of the IT retail channel was even worse: Since Apple released revolutionary products like iPod、iPhone and iPad, the all-in-one design had impacted the DIY market, and also greatly changed the global IT industry: the peripheral accessory brands have been greatly reduced, and the DIY market has rapidly declined. Since the author has been served in BUYNOW for several years, which is the largest chain IT mall in mainland China, we decided to organize this research to find a solution for its critical situation, hoping to help BUYNOW and even other retails channels. The research tried to discuss three major questions: (I) How does physical retail compete with e-commerce's low-priced model? (II) How does the IT channel solve the problem of purposeful shopping? (III) How can retail channels enhance customer loyalty? In this study, a case study method was used. Through relevant reports’ review and relevant people interviews, we first discuss Buynow’s transformation in the past years, supplemented by the current practice of the mainland's major entities, hope to identify how physical retail could respond to e-commerce’s competition.


IT retail Physical retail E-commerce O2O New retail Big data Business model


1. 中國消費者協會(2017/03),《網購誠信與消費者認知調查報告》
2. 中國大陸商務(2017/07),《中國零售行業發展報告(2016/2017)》
3. 中國百貨商業協會(2018/03),《2017-2018中國百貨零售業發展報告》
4. 中商產業研究院(2018),《2018-2023電子商務行業研究報告》
