  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Individual and Social-Oriented Self Views and Demoralization at College Students.

指導教授 : 黃傳永 李宗芹


本篇研究,嘗試以量化之方法探討大學生失志文化面的成因。 失志(demoralization)是心理不安之狀態,包含沮喪、失望以至喪失希望和生存意志,且服藥無效,常見於癌症與安寧照護之病人(Clarke & Kissane, 2002;洪曉琪等,2010;方俊凱,2011)。而近年來,大學生也越發越常出現失志的情形,失去了生活的動力,對未來顯得無望。比起「憂鬱」,「失志」更能精準描繪此類大學生的現況(洪毅軍,2019)。 台灣地區的大學生的「自我觀」同時受到兩種矛盾文化價值的影響,其一為「個人取向自我觀」;其二為「社會取向自我觀」(陸洛,2007)。兩種取向在自我觀、成就動機、以及自我實現的價值上(楊國樞、陸洛,2005;陳舜文,2005)都有明顯的不同,甚至可能有著矛盾的期待以及行為標準。若初步入社會的大學生,無法整合兩種文化的價值,或是選擇依循其一,是否會產生個人內在拉扯衝突、無所適從,進而產生失志的現象呢?探討大學生失志的文化面成因,是本篇研究之所嚮。 研究結果發現:大學生的「個人取向自我觀」、「社會取向自我觀」都與「失志」呈負相關,且具有整合「雙文化」自我之大學生,其失志程度顯著低於「未整合」之大學生。


The current study aims to explore the cultural correlates of demoralization among undergraduate students using quantitative methods. Common among cancer and hospice care patients, demoralization is a state of insecurity that could be characterized by frustration, depression and loss of hope and the strive to survive (Clarke & Kissane, 2002; Hung et al., 2010; Fang, 2011). Recently, demoralization has become more prevalent among undergraduate students, who demonstrate a lack of motivation to navigate through life and a loss of hope in the future. Compared with depression, such symptoms are more accurately described as demoralization (Hung, 2019). The conceptualization of the self among undergraduate students in Taiwan are under the influence of two opposing cultural orientations, the individual- and the society-oriented conceptualization of the self (Lu, 2007). The two orientations could lead to significantly different motivations for achievements, self-actualization, and thus conflicts in their behavioral standards and cultural expectations. The feat to navigate around and reconciliate between the two orientations can pose a significant challenge to undergraduate students, who may be enervated and demoralized due to inner conflicts. Thus, to explore the cultural forces that shape demoralization among undergraduate students is the purpose of the current study. The results show that both the individual-orientated and society-oriented self-conceptualization were negatively correlated with demoralization. Furthermore, undergraduate students with higher degrees of reconciliation between the two orientations (i.e. being “bicultural”) were significantly less demoralized than those with lower degrees.


人民郵電出版社(譯)(2016)。社會心理學(第11版)(原作者:Daniel J. Myers)。大陸:人民郵電出版社。
