  • 學位論文


Poverty Reduction in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture

指導教授 : 彭立忠


2021年2月,中國國家領導人習近平向世界莊嚴宣告現行標準下9899萬農村貧困人口全部脫貧,這其中自然也包括了四川涼山地區。四川省涼山州是中國貧困問題最為複雜的地區之一,由於涼山地區彝族傳統社會需要 「一步跨千年」面對現代社會的衝擊,劇烈的社會變動使得當地部分彝族群眾始終難以脫貧,並且在部分地區滋生出嚴重的毒品與艾滋病問題,因此四川涼山地區成為中國大陸政府近年來重點的扶貧對象之一。 在政府資源的全方位投入之下,當地的脫貧行動取得了一定的成效。由政府主導的脫貧行動以建設基礎設施為重點,使涼山地區的硬體設施得到質的提升,包括普及義務教育、改善醫療衛生等項目也在不斷改變著當地人民的生活,更改變著相對保守的彝族社會。當傳統彝族社會不斷在向現代社會靠攏的同時,涼山彝族原本邊緣的獨特性也在漸漸受到主流社會同化,從而成為主流社會的一部分,這也許也是世界眾多弱勢族群追求現代性過程中的殊途同歸。本文將主要以四川涼山彝族地區的脫貧行動為例,以此對解決少數族群貧困問題有所幫助。


In February 2021, The People’s Republic of China national leader Xi Jinping solemnly announced to the world that the 98.99 million rural poor people under the current standards will be lifted out of poverty, which certainly also includes the Liangshan area of Sichuan province. Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan Province is one of the areas which have the most complicated problem of poverty in China. As the traditional Yi society in Liangshan area needs to face the impact of modern society "one step across the millennium", drastic social changes have made it difficult for some local Yi people to get rid of poverty. Severe drug and AIDS problems have spawned in the region, so the Liangshan Yi area of Sichuan Province has become one of the key poverty alleviation targets of mainland China government in recent years. With the full investment of government resources, local anti-poverty work has achieved a certain effect. The government-led poverty alleviation focuses on the construction of infrastructure, which has qualitatively improved the hardware facilities in Liangshan area. Projects including universal compulsory education and improvement of medical and health care are also constantly changing the lives of local people and changing the relatively conservative Yi society. While the traditional Yi society is moving closer to the modern society, the original marginal uniqueness of the Liangshan Yi people is gradually being assimilated by the mainstream society and becoming a part of the mainstream society. This may also be the same goal of many disadvantaged ethnic groups in the world in their pursuit of modernity. This article will mainly take the poverty alleviation action in the Yi area of Liangshan, Sichuan as an example, which will help solve the poverty problem of minority ethnic groups.


巴莫阿依曲木鐵西譯,Stevan Harrell著。《田野中的族群關係與民族認同——中國西南彝族社區考察研究》(Field Studies of Ethnic Identity: Yi Communities of Southwest China),南寧:廣西人民出版社,2000年。
