  • 學位論文


A Study on Insurable Interest and Legality of Life Insurance’s Assignment

指導教授 : 葉啟洲


人壽保險得以藉由保單質借或終止契約等方式變現,具有相當之財產價值,在我國人身保險滲透度極高的環境下,人壽保險契約構成人民重要的資產,惟此種資產是否具有流動性,而得由當事人依其意思進行移轉,或由法院於強制執行程序進行處分,我國保險法並無明確規範,且我國保險法就與此議題相關的保險利益,也規範得相當簡陋,而產生人壽保險契約移轉之法律風險。 為解析以上問題,本文從人身保險利益之解釋出發,釐清保險利益歸屬主題、存在時點及法律效果等問題。並於此基礎上,進一步探討保險利益規範對於各種形態之人壽保險契約移轉可能產生的影響。最後,本文將在於保險監理領域,探討相關監理措施可能對人壽保險契約移轉衍生道德危險之作用。


The cash value of life insurance policies can be realized through policy loan, termination of policy and other methods, which indicates the pecuniary value of such policies. Given that the penetration rate of life insurance stays pretty high in Taiwan, life insurance has functions as a great component of our nationals’ assets. However, the liquidity of life insurance remains questions. Whether the life insurance policies can be assigned through people’s willing or courts’ foreclosure procedure are not properly prescribed under the Insurance Act in Taiwan. Further, the rule of insurable interest in that act does not provide any reference to these questions thanks to its deficiency. This situation gives rise to legal risk with respect to life insurance assignment. To solve the aforementioned questions, this paper will address the details of insurable interest at first, such as who shall own insurable interest, when shall insurable interest exist and how the insurable interest effect as a policy go without it. On the bases of these discussions, this paper will then explore the impact of insurable interest rule cast on the practice of multifold life insurance assignments. At last, this paper will talk about how insurance regulation system could react to the morals hazard deriving from the assignment of these policies.


