  • 學位論文


Designing a Cooperative Fine Motor Skills Training Game for and with Preschoolers

指導教授 : 余能豪 陳宜秀


對於學齡前兒童來說,手部精細動作是在六歲前重要的發展歷程。手部精細動作的表現可以透過在學校機構訓練與在家持續訓練改善,家長投入訓練也可以提升訓練效果。然而,根據與職能治療師、家長的前期訪談,我們發現目前的訓練方法對兒童來說較為枯燥,容易一下子就厭煩。此外,家長也認為在家持續訓練很困難,因為準備訓練器具與設置練習環境耗時費力。 為了讓訓練過程吸引兒童投入其中,同時讓在家訓練成為易事,本研究提出 PinchFun 合作遊戲,期能透過遊玩的過程鼓勵訓練,藉此協助四至六歲的學齡前兒童訓練其手部精細動作。在遊戲中,家長可以與兒童合作完成遊戲標的。本文介紹以遊戲為基礎的精細動作訓練系統 PinchFun,並描述從十二場親子共同遊玩與參與式設計評估中,所蒐集歸納出的兒童手部精細動作遊戲設計洞見與涵義。


Fine motor skills are crucial for children to develop before six years old. The performance of fine motor skills can be improved through training at institutions and the continued training at home; parental involvement can make the training more effective. However, from the interviews with occupational therapists and parents, we found that current training techniques are monotone and bore children in a short while; also, parents find it a problem to continue the training at home for it takes time and effort to prepare the tool and environment for training. To make the training more engaging and more accessible to continue at home, we proposed PinchFun, a cooperative game that encourages training through play, which supports fine motor training for preschool children (ages four to six). Parents can collaborate with the child to achieve the game goal. In this paper, we describe the design of PinchFun, a game-based cooperative fine motor skill training system, and share our insights and design implications for physical training games gleaned from twelve child-parent co-play and co-design sessions at their home.


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