  • 學位論文

語言與後殖民主體:J.M. 柯慈《屈辱》中的權力倒轉

Language and the Post-colonial Subject: Reversals of Power in J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace

指導教授 : 陳音頤




The fragile status of subjectivity has been a popular subject in modern society. Coetzee’s Disgrace, for instance, explores the predicament of modern soul. The novel depicts a brutal image of social conflict, which contains the theme of rape, abuse of power and eventually the reversals of power. In Disgrace, Coetzee creates one of the egocentric and self-indulgent white male, who is the product of Western individualism in the post-apartheid South Africa. His conflict between the moral standard and conscience highlights the questionable effect of justice over the subordinates. I observe that Eros is the dominant force in terms of morality. Desire, far from being merely an impulse, suggest authenticity when confronting moral question. Hence, by exploring desires in a new light, the strong connection between desires and conscience is explicitly revealed. Chapter three will be a study of Lucy’s knowledge after being sexually colonized by her neighbors. I draw on a few scenes to discuss the Foucaldian power relationship that lies in the core of Lucy’s subordination. What’s more, Lucy’s attitude also indicates that justice is not the main concern for the victim. A peel to the false distribution of justice leads us further to reflect the truth if moral convention is merely grounded on recognition of responsibility in the system. I claim that it should be interpreted as a strategy for subverting the mainstream discourse of Western moralization. The aftermath of rape brings not just pain but also a source of isolated culture owned by the colonized character. By exploiting predator and victim stereotypes, Coetzee highlights the relative value of different ideologies, which is the blind spot of Western individualism. Chapter four will be a study of the post-apartheid culture in South Africa with an emphasis on body-and-soul relations. In all, I have tried to bring out the merits of rape with a literary and philosophical approach. By depicting a wanderer in the inner sense, Coetzee intelligently enriches the meaning of Western individualism. A representation of personal violence reveals not the disruptiveness of the coherent moral structure but the enhanced rationalism that ultimately strike back the authority itself.


J.M. Coetzee Disgrace Desire Moral Post-colonial Psyche Authority


Attridge, Derek. “Age of Bronze, State of Grace: Music and Dogs in Coetzee’s Disgrace.” NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 98-121
———. J. M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading: Literature in the Event. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
———. “Innovation, Literature, Ethics: Relating to the Other.” PMLA 114 (1999): 20-31.
Attwell, David. “Coetzee's Postcolonial Diaspora.” Twentieth Century Literature, Vol. 57, No. 1, Coetzee's Late Style (Spring 2011), pp. 9-19
———. Diary of a Bad Year. London: Harvell Secker, 2007.
