  • 學位論文


Latent profiles of online gaming addiction and their associations with gaming motivation

指導教授 : 許文耀


過去研究對於網路遊戲成癮問題較少針對玩家成癮表現之異質性進行探討,同時在玩家遊戲動機研究上,多針對單一動機對網路遊戲成癮之影響,對於不同網路遊戲動機組合與網路遊戲成癮間關係,國內較缺乏相關研究。本研究採用潛在剖面分析模式,試圖探討網路遊戲玩家在網路遊戲成癮問題與網路遊戲動機是否存在異質性之潛在類別,進一步檢視各網路遊戲成癮類別中網路遊戲動機類別之特性。 研究對象為18歲以上過去一年曾從事網路遊戲行為之玩家,以線上問卷填寫網路遊戲成癮量表與網路遊戲動機量表,有效樣本數為410名。研究結果發現:一、網路遊戲成癮問題可區分出五種潛在類別:高度網路遊戲成癮問題組、中度網路遊戲成癮問題組、低度網路遊戲成癮問題組、心理依賴問題組與現實生活管理問題組;二、網路遊戲動機可區分出五種潛在類別:高度投入遊戲組、享受社交-探索沉浸組、享受謀略成就-角色設計組、中度投入遊戲組與單純休閒娛樂組。三、不同網路遊戲成癮類別之玩家,分布在各網路遊戲動機類別之人數比例有顯著差異;低度網路遊戲成癮組中,單純休閒娛樂動機組所佔比例顯著高於其他成癮類組;四、不同網路遊戲動機類別之玩家,在各網路遊戲成癮比例分布有顯著差異;高度投入遊戲組中,以高度網路遊戲成癮問題人數比例最高;而單純休閒娛樂動機組中,則以低度網路遊戲成癮問題組人數比例最高。五、不同網路遊戲成癮問題類組在性別、主要遊戲裝置、接觸網路遊戲年資、每次遊戲時間、每周遊戲時數與偏好遊戲類型人數比例分布有顯著差異。 本研究結果支持玩家在網路遊戲成癮問題與網路遊戲動機上存在異質性之次類別,且不同網路遊戲成癮類別在網路遊戲動機組合類型及相關遊戲行為特性上有顯著差異。在臨床應用方面,期待本研究之結果提供相關教育或醫療單位,未來在擬定相關預防策略或介入計畫時,更能注意到不同網路遊戲成癮類型,其症狀表現與動機類型之差異,提供更適切之治療與介入方向。


There was a lack of research into the heterogeneity of online gamers and its relationship with online gaming motivation. One of the aims of the present study was to identify and describe the taxonomy of online gamers based on responses to the Online Gaming Addiction Scale. Another aim of this study was to categorize online gaming motivations and their associations with online gaming addiction. A sample comprised 410 online gamers who were surveyed about their gaming behaviors and motivations. Latent Profile Analysis revealed five classes of gaming addiction, which comprised:(1)high online gaming addiction problem; (2)intermediate online gaming addiction problem; (3)low online gaming addiction problem; (4)psychological-dependent problem; (5)real-life management problem. Five classes of gaming motivations were extracted including:(1)highly engagement; (2)highly social, discovery-orientated and immersion; (3)highly maneuvered, achievement-orientated and role-design; (4) intermediate-engagement; (5)simply for leisure activity. The relationship between online gaming addiction classes and gaming motivation classes was significant. Motivation classes were distributed unequally between the five addiction groups. The low online gaming addiction problem group was characterized by having significantly the highest proportion of the motivation of simply for leisure activity. And online gaming addiction classes were also distributed significantly unequally between the five motivation groups. The highly-engaged motivation group was differentiated from other motivation groups by having the highest proportion of high online gaming addiction problem. Meanwhile, the simply for leisure activity motivation was distributed most in the group of low online gaming addiction problem. Based on our findings, online gamers are not homogeneous. And the online gaming addiction problem classes have significant differences from each other in the distributions of the gaming motivation classes and gaming-related behaviors. Implications of these findings can be used for prevention, intervention and clinical programs.


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