  • 學位論文


The research on the logical thinking course integrated in junior high school chinese language curriculums

指導教授 : 陳成文


本研究進行的主要動機是為了落實素養導向教學,增進學生議論文寫作能力並協助學生完成邏輯思維課程的學習遷移,以及增進教學者的跨域整合的教學能力。根據研究動機設計融入邏輯思維課程內容的國文教學方案並探討此教學設計對學生議論文寫作能力的影響。 研究者以國中九年級的學生作為研究對象,透過行動研究的方法,使用 Ubd重理解的課程設計模式,在教學課堂上以國文科部定教材為中心進行融入語言推理、謬論、Toulmin論證架構、議論的方法與結構、批判思考的教學活動,引導學生學習運用合乎邏輯的遣詞造句、結構組織以及拓展立意取材的思考模式進行議論文寫作。 經過8堂融入教學設計的課程,使用議論文評分表對學生進行教學前後測t檢定,確立邏輯思維課程融入國文教學設計能增進學生議論文寫作的能力並能改變學生對課程的評價達到學習遷移,而跨域整合的教學設計能精進教師專業能力,此外,本研究所發展的四個融入國文教學設計教案及研究結果所提出的相關建議能提供未來相關教學或研究之參考。


The primary motivation of this research is to implement a competency-based orientation program. It helps to enhance students’ argumentative writing ability by the means of transfer learning on logical thinking; and it can also empower teachers’ interdisciplinary teaching competence. In this research, the researcher will review how the program affects students’ argumentative writing ability by designing Chinese language curriculums through the logical thinking training course. The students in 9th grade were selected as the research object. The searcher took the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach to execute academic activities in the MOE-mandated curriculum but also blending into language inference and fallacies, Toulmin Model, argumentative methods, and critical thinking. The students were guided to learn how to expand purposive materials and proceed argumentative essays under a logical article structure with proper wording and phrasing. The students were asked to complete the argumentative essay twice, before and after eight integration courses. The essays were graded according to the essay grading rubric and it confirms all the benefits, as stated above, including students’ writing enhancement and positive appreciation for the course, along with teachers’ specialty advancement because of the interdisciplinary teaching design. Finally, there are four teaching plans of the integration course and some suggestions proposed in this research, which can be the reference for the other relevant academic research or study in future.


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