  • 學位論文

網路直播情境中的電視攝影工作者 : 一個配置智能觀點的研究

How Live webcast team works?A study on distributed intelligence approach

指導教授 : 陳百齡


數位化及5G行動網路時代來臨,傳統新聞台的現場連線,已大量使用4G包進行直播,逐漸取代SNG等龐大且昂貴的設備。科技影響工具應用,而看似簡單的「直播」實際是操作複雜的工作,其中牽涉人與工具、科技、組織,甚至是人與人間的協力合作完成才能達成。且每個工作者具備的知識與能力透過新聞組織的運作,與環境中的工具、人協作中累積學習而來。 研究應用智能配置概念觀察在直播的實務工作情境中的團隊運作,概念在於人利用周遭環境,連結心智、人造工具、符號與物理環境協力解決問題。智能配置強調智能不只存在於人、也存在於情境之中(Pea,1993)。本研究將配置智能概念延伸到直播實務工作中,觀察直播團隊如何在工作中發現並解決問題。智能配置理論原本應用於教育領域,研究者將其構連到傳播領域,提供一得以窺見直播實務工作的窗口,也將其延伸引用的領域。 本研究方法採用民族誌中質性研究的觀察法(observational method)及深度訪談,以觀察法為主,輔以深度訪談。參與觀察法即研究者進入研究對象的環境中,與其產生面對面的互動,一段期間內以漸進、有系統的方式蒐集資料。過程中以文字、錄音、照片、手繪草圖或動態影片等紀錄,輔以深度訪談之內容。原則側重資料之顯著性、多樣性及豐富度,篩選研究對象執行之具觀察指標的企畫直播場次作為研究案例,從中蒐集資料進行分析。 研究中發現,直播工作者面臨問題與解決問題過程中,所提出的策略除學校課程、書本或操作手冊能作為參考,實務上仍須工作者綜合運用其經驗、情境、協力人員、工具和組織等資源,尋求解題之道。值得注意的是,每場企劃直播面臨的問題各異,因此,工作者必須透過持續實作累積不同經驗以維持核心能力,且此一能力雖可透過文字或口述方式傳遞,根本仍須工作者個人在實做中積累。因此,本研究希冀嘗試著將內隱知識外顯化,提供實務工作者遇到問題時,得以運用系統架構之思維,作為有效解決問題之策略參考。


News organizations have already experienced several generations of live broadcasting technologies. Although technologies make live shows much easier, organizing people and tools work together smoothly remains an essential task for broadcasters. This particular study focuses on how the team members of live shows find and solve problems in their daily work. The researcher pressumes that people use the surrounding environment to connect the mind, man-made tools, symbols and the physical environment to solve problems. Intelligent configuration of human and tools is employed not only to server a mediating structure in order to achieve better performance as well as to reduce constraints in live show tasks. Five cases were choosed to illrastrate the essential characteristics of daily operation of news live show. Ethnographic study was adopted in this research. Participatory observation were made. The researcher worked with his team, while collects data in the same time. During the stage of data collection process, texts, audio recordings, photos, hand-drawn sketches or dynamic videos are used to record, supplemented by the content of in-depth interviews. The principle focuses on the significance, diversity and richness of the data. In-depth interviews was made after the observation so that researcher might pick up unsolved pieces of jigsaw puzzles from his co-workers and stake-holders of the cases. The data were integrated after each cases was closed for analysis. The research found that, although the team members of live broadcast are very much experienced, they faced unexpected problems in everyday. Unlike their formal colleagues who relied heavily on operating manuals, they found solutions locally. Many strategies were developed with the contexts. In practice, workers still need to realize their intentions, coupling with resources and equate the existing constraints. Since the contexts of each live broadcast of the project are different from another, problems solving in live news show is much more a task of improvisation.


王中天(2003)。〈社會資本(Social Capital)︰概念、源起、及現況〉,《問題與研究》,42(5)。
