  • 學位論文


The Formulating Identities of New Immigrants' Children : Life Course perspectives

指導教授 : 李淑菁


新移民子女認同形構探究:生命歷程觀點 摘要 從1990年代到現在,新移民的議題一直是學術界、教育界、政府及部分非營利團體關注的對象之一;許多與新移民子女相關的研究以國小到高中的新移民子女為研究參與者,研究議題有學業、適應、自尊等…但卻鮮少有人談論到成年後的新移民子女對自己的想法,意即「我是誰?」的認同議題。本研究從新移民女性來台的歷史脈絡探討新移民家庭在台灣的生活情況及台灣社會對新移民的態度,發現台灣對於新移民的態度大致可以分為三個時期「未受污名期」、「污名化高峰期」及「新移民肯認期」,並以質性研究的半結構式訪談法,深度訪談8位不同時期出生,現已成年的新移民子女從兒時到現在的生命歷程。在他/她們的生命歷程當中,她/他們的認同如何與當時所處的台灣社會對新移民的態度、同儕相處、生活經驗與年齡等因素,形構並交織出他/她們的認同樣態。本研究發現:新移民子女的身分認同是多重且複數的,隨著她/他生活在不同時期的脈絡底下不斷變動,並且與年齡及所處時期有關。


The Formulating Identities of New Immigrants' Children : Life Course perspectives Abstract Since the 1990s, the issues of new immigrants have always been one of the objects that academia, education, government and some non-profit groups are concerned about. Many researches take the new immigrant children, from elementary to high school, as the research participants; the topics include academics, adaptation, self-esteem, etc, but rarely focus on the identity issues of the new immigrants adult children. Therefore, this study explored the living conditions of new immigrant families in Taiwan and the attitude of Taiwan society towards new immigrants from the historical context of new immigrant women in Taiwan, and found that Taiwan’s attitudes towards new immigrants can be roughly divided into three periods: "non-stigmatized period", "highly stigmatized period" and "new immigrant recognition period". The research data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interview, with 8 new immigrant adult children who were born in different periods, understood their life courses since childhood, and how Taiwanese society’s attitude towards new immigrants, peer relationships, life experiences, ages and other factors formed and interweaved their identities. Major research findings of this study are as follows: First, the identity of the new immigrant children is multiple and plural; Second, the identity of the new immigrant children is constantly changing under the contexts in different periods; Third, the age and stage, which the new immigrant children are at, are constantly shaping their self-identities and ethnic identities.


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