  • 學位論文

中國大陸貧困治理的最後一里路 ——比較視野下的精準扶貧執行方式

The Final Stage of Poverty: A Comparative Analysis of Targeted Poverty Reduction

指導教授 : 黃德北


貧困作為人類社會誕生之初的狀態,伴隨人類發展進入現代社會,在現代政治體系中,提高社會治理水準,促進社會擺脫群體貧困狀態,體現了一個國家的社會治理和兌現政治承諾的能力。中國大陸將解放和發展生產力,實現共同富裕作為嚴肅的政治承諾。改革開放四十餘年後,中國大陸已然獲得經濟發展,與此同時,複雜而深刻的區域發展不平衡,部分人口難以脫離貧困線等問題,為中國大陸提升治理水平和兌現政治承諾帶來阻礙。為了解決這一難題,2013年至2020年,自上而下的大規模扶貧「精準扶貧」(Targeted Poverty Alleviation)由此展開。本文選取中國大陸內陸貧困地區M省B縣與Y縣數個村莊,意在了解中國大陸精準扶貧工程在貧困地區的具體表現,挖掘中國大陸反貧困的執行方式。


Poverty, as the state at the beginning of the birth of human society, has entered modern society with human development. In the modern political system, Raising the standard of social governance and promoting society out of Group poverty reflects a country's ability to manage society and deliver on its political commitments. Mainland China has made it a serious political commitment to liberate and develop productive forces and achieve common prosperity. More than 40 years after the Reform and Opening-up, mainland China has achieved economic development. At the same time, problems such as complex and profound regional development imbalances and the difficulty of some of the population to break out of the poverty line have hindered mainland China from raising the level of governance and fulfilling its political commitments. In order to solve this problem, from 2013 to 2020, the top-down large-scale poverty alleviation "Targeted Poverty Alleviation" began. This paper selects several villages in M Province, B County and Y County in mainland China's inland poverty-stricken areas. In order to explore the implementation of "Targeted Poverty Alleviation" project in poverty-stricken areas in mainland China.


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2. 呂晨光,〈發展中國家貧困問題研究〉,《經濟問題探索》,2013年第12期,頁144-148。
3. 李延,〈精準扶貧績效考核機制現實難點與應對〉,《青海社會科學》,2016年第3期。
