  • 學位論文


Digital literacy for the young generation

指導教授 : 蔡政憲




年輕世代 數位


This thesis is based on a business plan for the setup of a digital academy in El Salvador open to further expansion in Latin America. The education environment in Latin America is subject to proper curriculum updates performed by the government and private schools, which has so far proven to lag with the fast pace of the industry. These institutes educate young people with basic concepts based on a traditional perspective which are proven to be effective but not enough to equip students with trending skills the industry is requiring, therefore leaving a huge group of unemployed young talents that require to further invest time and money to equip themselves with such skills. This academy intends to decrease the potential percentage of unemployable young talents in the future by anticipating required digital, technological, and soft skills to equip young talents with. It is intended for this academy to be a pioneer in El Salvador and offer children, teenagers and young adults a proper exposure to technological, digital and business courses along with hands-on project opportunities with our partners. To properly design this business plan, the authors relied on deep industry and market studies which set the base for a detailed execution plan. Based on these studies and plan, a financial analysis was applied proving and demonstrating the feasibility and profitability of this business plan.


Young generation Digital


1. Shi, Jing. “Market size of school education doubles in five years”. Chinadaily, 09 Jan. 2018, www. chinadaily.com.cn/a/201801/09/WS5a54211ca31008cf16da5ec9.html
2. Strauss, Valerie. “Global education market reaches $4.4 trillion – and is growing”. WashingtonPost, 09 Jan. 2013, www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2013/02/09/global-education-market-reaches-4-4-trillion-and-is-growing/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.9afd9ecbffd6
3. US Department of Education. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math: Education for Global Leadership. www2.ed.gov
4. Rodríguez, Federico. “La Hora del Código: Aprender lenguaje de programación a través de un videojuego”. Microsoft News Center Latinoamerica, 05 Oct. 2016, news.microsoft.com/es-xl/features/la-hora-del-codigo-aprender-lenguaje-de-programacion-a-traves-de-un-videojuego/
5. Vazquez, Walter Dario. “La educación del futuro, hoy: como los niños aprenden programación”. Infobae, 17 Mar. 2017, www.infobae.com/tendencias/2017/03/17/la-educacion-del-futuro-hoy-como-los-ninos-aprenden-programacion/
