  • 學位論文

鐵粉究竟愛什麼? 網紅「不完美」的自我揭露與粉絲第一人生的親密關係

What exactly are fans fond of The close relationships between Internet celebrities reveal their own imperfections and the real life of fans.

指導教授 : 劉慧雯


本研究中,筆者觀察近來網紅在社群上,不再僅是利用包裝精緻、完美的社群 內容,吸引粉絲,相反地:當網紅透過自我揭露「不完美」的貼文時;小至呈現出 來的畫面,大至個人私領域中的私密情緒與遭遇等,這當中,不同程度的不完美, 卻能獲得粉絲高於以往的回饋與互動,於是,筆者將從此問題意識為出發點,「不 完美」的社群內容,為何反而能促進,粉絲與網紅之間的高度連結? 不論是家喻戶曉的政治人物,或是對大眾來說,已具知名度的藝人,再到素人 背景的大小型網紅,紛紛在社群上,自我揭露「不完美」的訊息,不再追求圖片、 影像、文


Recently it has been observed that Internet celebrities no longer present an image of a perfect life to attract fans. Rather, the trend is to share posts that reveal “imperfections.” By posting photos expressing private emotions and videos revealing private encounters, Internet celebrities bare their personal struggles and are able to elicit reactions from fans leading to greater user engagement.Therefore, the author will take this phenomenon as the starting point. Why does community content revealing “imperfections” promote a high- degree of connection between fans and Internet celebrities? From famous political figures to popular artists and big and small Internet celebrities with an ordinary background, all have been uploading posts in online communities that reveal their own “imperfections,” instead of presenting a picture of perfection through photos, videos, and texts. These so-called “imperfect” community posts could be an outcome of Internet celebrities’ own negative emotions, housekeeping problems self- mockery, emotional and life setbacks, etc. But why do fans buy into Internet celebrities’ “pity seeking” behaviors exhibiting their imperfections?Why is it that fans not only react by giving comfort and feedback, but many are inspired to share their own difficult experiences through comments below the creators' post? When Internet celebrities and their fans have become common social phenomena, can there be any reference value besides that in the economic aspect? Through the perspective of fans, the author aims to understand the relationships among people in online communities and examine what kind of connection is produced by “imperfections.” “You are no longer glamorous and perfect, but I love you more than before”...Does self- disclosure of imperfections make fans feel more intimate with Internet celebrities? Are the lives of Internet celebrities truly as virtual fans imagine them to be? Can such a connection break away from the customary systematic thinking about Internet celebrities, especially influences in the economic aspect reflected by figures? Is it possible to stimulate a new way of thinking in the humanistic society in the future that is mainly based on human emotions so that Internet celebrity communities can form a deeper meaning?


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