  • 學位論文


The Forming, Operating and Disappearing of The Two Southwest Institutions(1931-1936)

指導教授 : 廖敏淑


自秦漢以來,如何處理中央與地方關係,一直是歷朝歷代重要課題。大抵而言,統一被視為治世,分裂則被視為亂世。時序進入晚清以後,中央政府的控制力逐步呈現下降的趨勢。進入民國以後,政局更是紛擾不斷,尤以袁世凱死後,群雄並起,各地方戰亂不止,北京政府控制力衰弱。中國混亂不堪的局面,直至國民政府於1928年北伐成功後,才初步達成形式上的再統一,一度看似有望變亂為治,但不久隨即爆發一系列內戰,使中國再度陷入動盪不安。   北伐成功之基礎,實有賴於1926年兩廣合作。然而,兩廣之間的關係並不完全融洽,廣西最初即不能為國民黨中央與國民政府完全掌握。北伐結束不久後,隨即爆發一系列中央與地方之戰爭,而第一樁中央與地方的武力衝突,就是最早歸附國民黨的廣西。相較於廣西,作為國民革命策源地的廣東,則在北伐結束後初期,較為支持中央,並協助中央討伐廣西,使廣西問題一度有望徹底解決。然而,1931年2月爆發了「湯山事變」,導致寧粵分裂,兩廣也藉機再度結好,以對抗南京。而1932年成立的西南兩機關(西南執行部、西南政務委員會)則是寧粵分裂的延續,此牽涉到寧粵桂三方複雜關係,也可對我們了解北伐以後的局勢有所幫助。本研究以西南兩機關的政治形態為核心,窺探1930年代中央與兩廣關係,為國民政府統治初期的中央與地方的複雜關係作一探究。


Since the Qin and Han dynasties, how to balance the power between the central and local government is a significant issue for all dynasties since Qin and Han. Generally speaking, unification is the foundation that leads to the times of peace and prosperity, while secession the situation became worse in the Republic era.After entering the late Qing Dynasty, the control of the central government gradually weakened. In the Republic of China, the political situation became more turbulent. The death of Yuan Shikai declared the collapse of Beijing’s authority and the time of warlords was following. Although the Nationalist Government established the nominal reunification by the Northern Expedition in 1928, a series of civil wars broke out shortly afterwards, which deteriorated the political situation once again.    It was the cooperation between Guangdong and Guangxi provinces that laid the foundation of the success of the Northern Expedition, but the relationship between these two provinces was not completely harmonious. The KMT and National Government could not fully control the Guangxi province and Guangxi warlords, even though this province joined the KMT’s power earlier than other provinces, became the first armed challenger after the Northern Expedition. Thanks to the support of Guangdong, the province that the revolution originated, the problem of Guangxi seemed to be possibly resolved completely, however, the "Tangshan Incident" that occurred in February, 1931 resulted the split of Nanjing and the Guangdong. this incident rendered the former rivals got together to fight with their common enemy.However, the "Tangshan Incident" broke out in February 1931, which led to the split of Nanjing and Guangdong, and the Guangdong and Guangxi also took the opportunity to regroup to fight Nanjing. The two Southwest institutions (the Southwest Executive Department and the Southwest Political Committee), which established in 1932, was the continuation of the Nanjing-Guangdong split, and it involves the complicated relationship between Ning, Guangdong and Guangxi.. This study will focus on the the two Southwestern institutions, and discuss the relationship between the central government and Guangdong and Guangxi in the 1930s. This study may be beneficial to help us understand the complex relation between the central and local governments in the early days of the Nationalist government age.


