  • 學位論文


The effect of consumers' risk perception on the usage of mobile payment

指導教授 : 蘇威傑


科技日益發達下,電商蓬勃發展更帶動以手機為主的行動支付龐大商機。Line Pay、Apple Pay與街口支付等常見行動支付工具,改變傳統消費結帳效率,如今可透過一支手機即快速完成結帳、繳費、轉帳等多元目的。除便利性,銀行與支付業者提供大量折扣優惠,吸引用戶加入使用。社會中亦主要談論行動支付的優點,然從近年國內外媒體不時傳出的盜刷與個資外洩新聞,也發現行動支付實則隱含著風險議題。 本研究探討消費者的風險認知對於使用行動支付意願的影響,以知覺風險、道德信任風險、便利性認知等文獻提出研究架構,設計文案操弄的實驗方法,檢驗閱讀一般性或含風險資訊行動支付文章的兩群受測者,在頻繁使用意願的異同。共回收192份有效問卷,經過迴歸分析,得出以下研究發現:1.高風險資訊接觸程度或是高風險知覺的消費者,愈不願意頻繁的使用行動支付。2.消費者的便利性認知與信心程度,會正向影響頻繁使用行動支付的意願。3.然而便利性或是信心提升,並不抵銷風險之於消費者較不願頻繁使用行動支付意願的影響。以此結論提供參與行動支付所有業者參考,並提出降低風險之實務建議,與給予未來學者相關研究的參考與建議。


With the rapid development of the internet and technology, e-commerce become prosperous and thus form a huge potential market for the mobile payment. The common mobile payment tools such as Line Pay, Apple Pay and Jko Pay have revolutionized the traditional payment process by enabling consumers to pay and transfer account with a smart phone merely. In addition to convenience, abundant discount offering by the banks and the payment servers also become the major incentive for consumer to use it. It seems that we all praise the advantages of the mobile payment. However, as some risk cases such as credit card fraud and privacy leakage gradually emerge in the media, the issue of mobile payment risks have become more and more crucial. Therefore, this study will focus on the effect of consumers' perceived risk on the usage of mobile payment. With theories of risk perception, moral hazard, and convenience perception as the research frame, this study initiated the experiment research by asking 2 groups of participants reading either the normal or risk articles of mobile payment, and then examined whether they had different results on their intension of using mobile payment. 192 valid questionnaires were retrieved, by conducting regression, below are 3 major outcomes: (1) Consumers with high exposure to the risk information or high perception of risk, are less unwilling to use mobile payment. (2) Consumers with high degree of convenience or confidence perception, are more willing to use mobile payment. (3) However, consumers won’t feel less risky and more willing to use mobile payment due to increasing of convenience or confidence. The conclusions provide all the participants in regard to mobile payment as a references, and proposed some practical suggestion about reducing the risk, and provide the advice to the research scholars in the future.


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