  • 學位論文


The Practice of ‘Teach for Taiwan’ (TFT): Critiques from Critical Multiculturalism

指導教授 : 李淑菁


多元文化教育使命在於透過促進教育的平等與正義,以減低乃至消弭整體社會的不平等現象。然而欲實踐多元文化教育的理想,現場教師扮演至要關鍵角色。本研究以批判性多元文化主義視角出發,回顧臺灣師資培育發展與教育改革之典範轉移的歷程,嘗試理解臺灣在全球化帶來的人口結構改變以及十二年國民教育素養導向課綱實施的脈絡中,教師與師資生/師培生需要具備什麼樣的知識、思維、態度及技能回應多元、多樣且動態的教學現場,以促進來自不同社會經濟與文化背景學生的學習及自我發展的機會。鑑於現行有關多元文化師資培育的研究並不多,其中又多著重於對多元文化教師角色期待的指引或主流師資培育機構課程教學的行動研究,因此本研究選擇從邊緣出發,以回應教育不平等為號召、為期兩年的另類教師培育計畫「Teach for Taiwan為台灣而教」(TFT)為研究場域,進而用批判性多元文化主義檢視TFT的實踐經驗,並期待研究成果能與其他師資培育團隊展開交流。 本研究透過個人深度訪談、參與觀察、文件分析等質性研究方法,深探TFT組織及成員如何理解與詮釋「多元文化教育」的內涵;TFT組織如何透過課程與其教師支持系統培育TFT教師回應來自多元文化背景學生學習需求的知識、思維、態度及技能,並成為改變的能動者(change agents)創造其所期待的正向改變。本研究首先以個人深度訪談與TFT內部文件勾勒出TFT計畫的輪廓,進而在批判性多元文化主義的理論基礎上,指出TFT的實踐可供參考的面向以及其所面臨的挑戰。 研究發現有四:(一)TFT重視凝聚團隊共識,並且以「核心價值」為溝通互動基礎,有助於形塑同理與尊重差異的組織文化;(二)然而TFT側重以階級與族群面向出發理解台灣的教育不平等現象,卻較少關注於性別不平等,在培育課程中甚少談及多元性/別相關的知識和議題;(三)TFT以申請者個人的「核心能力特質」作為主要甄選條件可能落入自由主義多元文化主義的困境,無法作為相較符合社會正義的甄選機制;(四)TFT的教師專業發展系統提供個人督導制度與同儕支持網絡,可供其他師資培育團隊發展多元文化教育師資培育的參考。


The purpose of multicultural education is to facilitate equity and justice in education by examining social dimensions such as class, race, ethnicity, and gender etc, and clarifying the dynamic relations of them. Hence, teachers play critical roles to practice multicultural education. This research is developed on the grounds of critical multiculturalism. It first reviews the development of teacher education and the process of the paradigm shift of education reforms in Taiwan, trying to understand what competencies should future teachers equip with themselves in order to respond to the diverse and dynamic classrooms in the context of globalization and the practice of new national curriculum. However, since there are few studies with respect to multicultural teacher education in Taiwan, and most of them are mainly action studies dealing with the expectation of becoming multicultural teachers or discussing multicultural teaching strategies and curriculum in the field of mainstream teacher education programs. This research chooses an alternative teacher training program in ‘Teach for Taiwan’(TFT) in order to explore multicultural teaching strategies and curriculum apart from mainstreams. The study adopts in-depth interview, participatory observation and documentary analysis. This research finds: 1. TFT emphasizes cultivating team consensus by developing open and respectful working environment; 2. TFT members tend to understand education inequity with the dimensions of class and ethnicity, however, they pay less attention to gender inequity in their training contents; 3. TFT recruits TFT teachers by examining applicants’ competencies and characteristics with the tool of their self-developed standards and this strategy might result in facing the dilemma of ‘liberal multiculturalism’ and fails to provide further support for those under-privileged teacher applicants; 4. The practice of TFT’s original teacher professional development system provides TFT colleagues with emotional support; through which responding to social and educational inequities. This study also indicates TFT’s challenges and hopes to serve as a reference for future teacher training practitioners in developing multicultural teacher education programs in Taiwan


中央社(2020)。輿論拉鋸中的性平教育 走進真實教學現場。取自:
