  • 學位論文


Designing a Table Game to facilitate Junior High School Students’ Career Exploration

指導教授 : 詹志禹


本研究目的旨在探討《人生旅途》桌上遊戲幫助國中生進行生涯探索之成效,以及遊玩桌上遊戲前後國中生的生涯決定狀態與生涯自我效能間的差異情況。研究採立意取樣,選擇臺北市小北國中四班七年級學生,以及桃園市小國國中兩班七年級、四班八年級學生,共十個班級學生做為研究對象,有效樣本共274人。   本研究根據 John Holland生涯類型論、 Gardner多元智能理論及 Spranger的價值取向理論,設計一套桌上遊戲,希冀學生可透過遊戲將「智力」、「興趣」、「職業」及「價值觀」四個觀念串聯起來,提升對自我興趣及個人能力的認知、確立職涯方向,以及澄清個人價值觀。   本研究以問卷調查法蒐集量化資料,包括「生涯決定狀態量表」、「生涯決策自我效能預期量表」與「桌上遊戲課程反饋量表」,並於課程結束後以半結構訪談蒐集質性資料。所得資料以描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、典型相關分析、觀察法、訪談法、內容分析法等統計方法進行分析處理,研究結果如下: 一、國中生的生涯決定狀態,在性別及年齡背景變項無統計上的顯著差異。 二、《人生旅途》桌上遊戲可使國中生的生涯決定狀態趨近自主定向型。 三、《人生旅途》桌上遊戲對國中生生涯自我效能中的制訂自身生涯目標計畫、提升對自我興趣及能力認知,以及正確評量自己能力專長與個性之能力三面向皆具輔導效果,惟對於確立自身職業方向之輔導效果不顯著。 四、《人生旅途》桌上遊戲能對學生探索生涯有所助益   最後,本研究建議,將此套桌遊融入綜合活動等課程,可提升學生的學習興趣,並對學生的自我認識與生涯抉擇有所幫助。


Based on Holland’s Theory of Career Choice (RIASEC) , Gardner’s Theory of multiple intelligences and Spranger’s model of six value orientations, the current study designed a table game named “Life Journey.” The purpose of this research is to explore the effectiveness of the table game on facilitating junior high school students’ career exploration, expecting to see that students can integrate self-reflection on multiple intelligence, career interest and value orientations. Quasi-experimental design was adopted to test the effects. Dependent variables included career decisions and career self-efficacy. Pre-tests and post-test were administered to both the experimental and controlled groups. The sample was a total of 274 students from Xiaobei Junior High School in Taipei City (7th grade students) and Xiaoguo Junior High School in Taoyuan City (7th grade and 8th grade students). After experimentation, a semi-structured interview was used to collect qualitative data of user’s feedback. Quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The following results were found: 1.Gender and age had no effect on career decisions status. 2.The table game facilitated decision status approaching to autonomous orientation. 3.The table game had significant effects on formulating career goals, improved self-understanding of interest, ability and values, as well as promoted correctness of self-assessment of ability strength and personality. However, its effect on helping career direction is not significant. In conclusion, the table game designed by the current research can facilitate junior high school students’ career exploration. It was suggested that this table game be integrated into the career-related curriculum to help students’ learning motivation, self-understanding and career decision.


王春展(2004)。專科生情緒智慧、人境適配度與生涯阻隔之研究—以中部某專科學校為例。嘉南學報(人文類),30,頁443 - 460。
