  • 學位論文

台灣身心障礙基督徒之教會參與: 以視障者之經驗為例

Church Participation of Christians with Disabilities in Taiwan: The experience of the People with Visual Impairment as Example

指導教授 : 邱炫元




This study adopts the perspective of sociology of religion and “the limit model” of disability study to investigate the difficulties of Christians with blindness/visual impairment participating in churches in Taiwan, the relevant arrangement from churches, as well as what inspiration from the churches’ services to them can bring to Taiwan’s society. The investigated groups in the thesis contains 5 churches without ministries for the blind, such as “the 47th Assembly in New Taipei City”, “Hoping Church of Taiwan’s Presbyterian Church”, “Sancta Gratia Lutheran Church”, “Fu Jen Catholic University Parish” as well as “Christian City of Light Church”; and a church with ministries for the blind, Shuanglian Church of Taiwan’s Presbyterian Church. In addition, the writer also investigated the church institute, “Joy Communication Center of Eden Social Welfare Foundation”. In this study are 18 interviewees in total: 11 Christians with blindness/visual impairment, 4 preachers with blindness/visual impairment as well as 3 pastors with discerning eyes. Whether the interviewees were born in Christian families or not, their motivation to participate in churches is frequently to find “suffering” in their lives. The difficulties of the interviewees with blindness/visual impairment participating in churches are from their limitations in the ability to get about and in the control of the environment; nonetheless, these difficulties can be reduced through their personal network. Furthermore, these Christians with blindness/visual impairment are able to turn the limitations into agency in this field by the training of their auditory sense and oral expression plus appropriate assistive resources, because voice is emphasized in churches. On the other hand, this thesis finds that braille forms such a “culture of the blind”, which can be reproduced through special schools, when ministries for the blind are set in church groups, for instance “choirs for the blind”. Most importantly, by the assistive technology for the people with blindness/visual impairment, the interviewees are capable of reading the Bible to achieve self-overcoming, which becomes dynamics for them to maintain participating in church and society. Meanwhile, the churches’ services to the people with disabilities can gradually solve the prejudice of “disabilities” from social majority in Taiwan.


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