  • 學位論文


One Mazu, Different Interpretations: Reexamination on Cross-Strait Mazu Belief Exchanges

指導教授 : 王韻


本研究旨在探討台灣媽祖廟聯誼組織在兩岸宗教交流的角色和影響力,同時釐清中共利用媽祖信仰進行對台統戰的目的和機制。以鎮瀾宮成立的台灣媽祖聯誼會為研究對象,本研究藉由深度訪談發現,國內近20年逐漸興起的媽祖聯誼會成為大中型媽祖廟爭奪象徵地位的新場域,而入會的廟宇亦從中爭取該廟的神聖和世俗利益,體現了聯誼會開拓南北的「媽祖緣」及伴隨的人情壓力。在「信仰搭台,經貿唱戲」的宗教治理思維,中國境內近20年亦出現多個含省市級以下的媽祖文化交流協會,多點對接台灣各媽祖廟聯誼組織,兩岸媽祖信仰交流出現組織化、制度化的趨勢,強化了兩岸媽祖信仰社群「核心-邊陲」的生態體系。綜覽近20年的兩岸媽祖信仰交流,本研究認為這已形成一個跨海峽的「媽祖文化產業複合體」,這個共生關係由兩岸地方政府、媽祖廟團體和旅行業者組成,他們幾乎聯合壟斷各種形式的交流。 本研究以統戰是維持中共政權正當性的視角切入,從「正當化理論」衍生出「整合」、「吸納」、「動員」、「排擠」與「分化」5種統戰策略,描繪中共利用媽祖信仰在兩岸施展哪些統戰作為,並驗證中共對台宗教統戰的最終目標,是透過在深度參與兩岸交流的跨海峽社群內部進行「大宣傳」,以維繫中共的執政正當性。現有文獻多提及中國宗教團體是中共統治的工具,卻忽略了在大格局下台灣行為者的主體性。本研究認為,台灣廟宇在交流過程中具有潛在放大或縮小中共統戰效果的能力。從台灣宮廟頭人的交流經驗重構和詮釋當中,本研究得以推斷台灣媽祖廟聯誼組織在應對中共統戰攻勢,成為民主社會的破口或堤防,可能取決於宮廟頭人在交往過程掌握多少主動權及風險意識。


This study reveals China’s united front work to Taiwan’s civil society in the case of popular religion—Mazu belief, at the same time clarifies the role and influence of Taiwan’s Mazu temple associations in the cross-Strait religion exchanges. The case study of the thesis is Taiwan Mazu Fellowship founded by Jenn Lann Temple in 2001. Since then, other Mazu temples in Taiwan have established more temple associations to strengthen their influence across the Strait. Those temples joining the associations also attempt to gain more sacred and secular interests. They believe Mazu gives the serendipity among the temples from southern to northern Taiwan, but they also face more interpersonal pressure. The religious policy in China encourages local governments to aim for economic gains in the name of religion. There are multiple Mazu cultural exchange associations established in China within two decades to contact Taiwanese counterparts. It shows the organized and institutionalized trend of the cross-Strait Mazu belief exchanges, which has strengthened a more “core-to-periphery” belief ecosystem. The study finds a cross-Strait “Mazu-Cultural-Industrial Complex” is formed under the cross-Strait Mazu belief exchanges within two decades. Local governments, temple associations, and travel agencies across the Strait have monopolized all forms of Mazu belief exchanges. Inspired by the Legitimation Theory, the study argues that united front work is a powerful tool for the CCP to maintain its legitimacy. The thesis illustrates a more dedicated approach through five types of mechanisms: integration, cooptation, mobilization, attrition, and division. The ultimate purpose for the CCP’s united front work is inward-looking propaganda to strengthen its legitimacy. The target audience of the propaganda is those who thoroughly engage the cross-Strait exchanges. Existing literature has mentioned the CCP takes the advantage of Chinese religious groups for governance, however, ignored the subjectivity of Taiwanese actors in the context. The thesis considers Taiwanese temples can increase and decrease the effectiveness of the CCP’s united front work. The study infers that to deal with the CCP’s offensive united front work on religions, the crux is whether those temple supervisors have enough initiative and self-consciousness on the risk in the engagement with Chinese counterparts.


壹、 中文部分
一、 專書
