  • 學位論文

中國與中東歐國家合作——波蘭個案研究 (2012-2021) : 有效的夥伴關係還是不平等合作方式?

The Cooperation between China and Central Eastern Europe - the Case of Poland (2012-2021): Effective Partnership or Unequal Framework?

指導教授 : 湯紹成


中國與中東歐之間的合作模式(俗稱「16+1」)是中歐關係的組成部分,同時也是由中國率領的跨區域、機構化合作平台的重要實例。作為中東歐地區最大國家的波蘭,被認為是16+1最重要的參與者。本文旨在考察波蘭政府對此合作模式的態度演變,且希冀解答波蘭是否將16+1視為有效合作模式的問題。 作者將以上述問題為動機的考察過程分為兩個步驟。在前三章中所邁出的第一步,是介紹16+1合作模式的歷史與地緣政治背景以及該合作模式的發展歷程。作者對於1989年後的中歐關係、中國與中東歐關係以及中波關係略作簡介;後二者自2012年以來與16+1存在著密不可分的關聯性。 本文為了解答研究問題所做的第二步,則是第四章中所進行的資料定性分析。本文所分析的資料,主要為作者從波蘭新聞局的檔案中所收集到的大量相關新聞稿。作為輔助資料,作者另將波蘭外交部的相關文件以及波蘭國營國際事務學院的週期刊物,一同納入討論範圍。本文針對這些資料所呈現的政治言談進行一番分析考察,以期表明波蘭政府對16+1效率的認識及其對此合作模式的一般態度。


波蘭 中國 中東歐國家 16+1 中波關係 中歐


Set within the larger structure of Sino-European relations, the cooperation framework between China and the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) region, commonly known as 16+1, is an important example of an institutionalized, PRC-led transregional cooperation platform. Poland, the largest country of the CEE region, can and has been perceived as the most important European participant to this cooperation. This thesis seeks to examine the evolving attitude of the Polish government towards the 16+1 framework, and in doing so to address the question of whether Poland perceives 16+1 as an effective cooperation format. The investigation motivated by these questions is carried out in two essential steps. The initial step, made by the author over the first three chapters, is the introduction of the historic and geopolitical background of the 16+1 framework and the development of the framework itself. The author delineates Sino-European, Sino-CEE and Sino-Polish relations after 1989, the latter two since 2012 being inseparably interwoven with the functioning of the 16+1 framework. The second step, made in the fourth chapter and immediately instrumental in answering the research questions, is the qualitative analysis of the source material, composed mainly of press releases of the Polish Press Agency, obtained by the author from the Agency’s archives. The corpus of press releases is supplemented by documents of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and periodic publications by Polish Institute of International Affairs. The content analysis of the political discourse represented in these sources is hoped to shed light on the Polish government’s perception of the effectiveness of 16+1 and its overall attitude to the framework.


China Poland Sino-Polish Relations 16+1 China-CEE Central Europe


Monographies and dissertations:
Andžāns, M. (2016). Afterthoughts: Riga 2016 International Forum of China and Central and Eastern European Countries, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Riga.
Biba, S. and Wolf, R. (2021) Europe in an Era of Growing Sino-American Competition Coping with an Unstable Triangle. Routledge, London.
Bieber, F. and Tzifakis, N. (2019), The Western Balkans in the World: Linkages and Relations with External Actors, Routledge, Abingdon.
Buchan, R. (2019). Cyber Espionage and International Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford.
