  • 學位論文


Time Series Image Analysis by Classical and Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks

指導教授 : 廖四郎




Time series is a one dimensional data, but we can transform it to be a two dimensional matrix, and finally obtain a time series image, which is a three dimensional tensor. A map of imaging time series should preserve some important properties of the time series such as the temporal dependency. Convolutional neural network is a kind of neural networks in deep learning, it is widely applied in the field of computer vision for its strong visual information processing ability. Therefore, we combine the time series image and the convolutional neural network together to research the feasibility and the ability of extracting features from the high dimensional data, and use the model to do the time series image classification and the future trend prediction. The result shows that the convolutional neural network has a good performance on time series image classification and future trend prediction. It could beat the baseline and has a positive cumulative return. In addition, we do a preliminary research on the quantum convolutional neural network. We describe the relative theory and simulate a quantum convolutional neural network model. The result shows that the quantum convolutional neural network is feasible and could reach the similar level of the classical convolutional neural network on both time series image classification and future trend prediction. Quantum convolutional neural network is potential and deserves to be studied.


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