  • 學位論文


Financial Statement Comparability and Tax Avoidance

指導教授 : 何怡澄


本研究旨在探討財務報表可比性與租稅規避之關聯性。參考De Franco, Kothari, and Verdi (2011)可比性計算方式,以2000年至2018年臺灣上市櫃公司為研究對象,檢驗財報可比性與租稅規避的關係。實證顯示,財報可比性與租稅規避呈顯著負向關係。該結果可能導因於財報可比性能降低資訊不對稱,而越透明的資訊環境使企業外部監管風險提高、避稅動機降低;另一方面,越高的財報可比性代表會計資訊品質越好,透過會計資訊品質帶來的公司內部治理效果,高度財報可比性能夠遏止經理人利用避稅剝奪股東利益的行為,降低租稅規避行為。本研究進一步發現在資訊環境調節下,存有資訊不對稱問題的公司,財報可比性對租稅規避的抑制作用會更明顯。表示在資訊環境較差的情況下,財報可比性在降低租稅規避的作用上扮演著更重要的角色。敏感性測試中,以財報可比性及租稅規避的替代指標,或以分析師追蹤數區分樣本重新檢驗後,皆使本研究實證結果更穩健;採用工具變數法降低內生性問題後,發現財報可比性越高會使避稅行為降低,然而,並未觀察出資訊環境在財報可比性與租稅規避之間的調節作用。


This study investigates whether financial statement comparability is associated with corporate tax avoidance. Following the empirical approach of De Franco et al. (2011) for the estimation of the firm-year level of comparability, this study uses the data of TSEC & OTC listed companies from 2000 to 2018 to examine the association between financial statement comparability and tax avoidance. The results show a negative relationship between financial statement comparability and tax avoidance. This findings indicate that comparability reduces information asymmetry, which makes a more transparent information environment and increases the risk of detection of aggressive tax avoidance; on the other hand, the higher the comparability of financial statement, the higher the quality of accounting information, which implies that higher degree of financial statement comparability can inhibit the occurrence of management's self-interested tax avoidance with the governance effect of accounting information. This study further finds the deterrence effect of comparability on aggressive tax avoidance behavior is more pronounced for firms with more asymmetric information environments. This suggests that the role of comparability in discouraging tax avoidance is more important when firm’s information environments are poor. A number of sensitivity analyses assure that the findings are robust to alternative measures of comparability and tax avoidance, also the retest of divide the sample by the amount of analysts following. Using Instrumental variable methods to address endogeneity concerns, I find that more comparable financial information leads to less tax avoidance behavior once more; however, there is no evidence that information environment plays a moderate role to comparability in reducing tax avoidance.


王聖雄、薛敏正與葉淑玲,2018,導入國際財務報導準則對財務報表可比較性之影響-2010 與 2013 版本間之比較,當代會計,第19卷,第1期:77-105。
