  • 學位論文


Effect of Common Player-Avatar Interaction on Video Game Enjoyment and Appreciation—A Case Study of the Social Simulation Game Animal Crossing

指導教授 : 林日璇


娛樂媒體研究在使用者之於媒體角色的心理角色代入有豐碩成果,數位遊戲領域亦有大量實證研究,然近年的研究如Banks, Bowman, Lin, Pietschmann, and Wasserman(2019)就提出:通用玩家—角色互動(common player-avatar interaction scale, cPAX),將遊戲玩家與其角色視為對等實體,兩者間存在虛擬關係。本研究承襲此一成果,以社交模擬遊戲《集合啦!動物森友會》為研究主體,驗證通用玩家—角色互動對遊玩享樂感及欣賞評價之影響,並加入內在需求滿足為中介變項(除傳統自我決定理論中的自主性、勝任感、連結感外,另臚列洞悉性;同時進一步細分連結感為「玩家—角色連結感」和「玩家—玩家連結感」),觀察五項內在需求如何中介整體模型。 本研究針對台灣《動物森友會》玩家蒐集533份有效樣本問卷,研究結果發現:cPAX程度可以正向預測五項內在需求滿足;cPAX程度可以正向預測遊玩享樂感及欣賞評價;五項內在需求滿足並可以中介cPAX程度與享樂感、欣賞評價間的正向關聯。 本研究爬梳近二十載娛樂媒體研究對玩家、角色心理認同的發展,證實數位遊戲玩家和角色間確實可以存在虛擬關係,並為長年以享樂感作為媒體效果為大宗的研究領域提供「洞悉性」和「欣賞評價」等非享樂的心理感知。此一成果為娛樂媒體和數位遊戲研究領域貢獻嶄新的方向,亦可提供未來遊戲設計有力的參考內容。


Increasingly media entertainment research establishes identification merging of media user and character, while the correlation has also been widely verified in video game research. Recent research by Banks et al. (2019) applied the common Player Avatar Interaction (cPAX) scale, revealing dimensions of player-avatar relations that mirror a more fully realized social relationship. The current study employs the framework of cPAX to establish associations between cPAX and entertainment outcomes including video game enjoyment and appreciation through the study of the social simulation game Animal Crossing. The mediation of intrinsic mental needs in Self-Determination Theory (SDT) including autonomy, competence, and relatedness are also discussed. Further, this study added the need of ‘insightfulness’ to the model and distinguished the difference between ‘played-avatar relatedness’ and ‘played-player relatedness’, defining a total of five mediation variables. With a sample from Taiwan Animal Crossing players (N=533), the result shows that perceived cPAX is associated with all five intrinsic need satisfactions. And an increased level of cPAX could positively affect video game enjoyment and appreciation. Importantly, the positive effect of cPAX on video game enjoyment and appreciation could be mediated through all five intrinsic need satisfactions. The current study makes theoretical contributions by refining how psychological identification progressed in the field of media entertainment research within the past two decades. It further defines how one can genuinely own a virtual relationship with its character. Additionally, this study highlights the importance of nonhedonic perceptions including ‘insightfulness’ and ‘appreciation’ rather than simply ludic needs and feelings. Results can provide reference for future gaming experience design.


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Wikipedia(2021年1月17日)。《模擬遊戲》。取自 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/模擬遊戲
湯包(2020年3月25日)。〈《集合啦 動物森友會》上市3天賣破188萬套,Switch歷代第一〉,《4GAMERS》。取自 https://www.4gamers.com.tw/news/detail/42530/animal-crossing-new-horizons-is-the-fastest-selling-switch-game-in-japan
