  • 學位論文


Legal Consciousness from the Perspective of Solidarity: Nurses’ Agency against Workplace Sexual Harassment

指導教授 : 王曉丹


過去的研究對於遭受職場性騷擾的護理師在是否進行醫療機構內部申訴的法意識過程,描繪出由性別化分工、刻板性道德、理想被害人迷思和不平等權力關係形塑而成的醫療職場文化圖式,並以認同群體概念解析受擾者主體能動性。然而,這些研究僅以受擾者個人的角度闡釋法意識,並未討論機構內人際互動的脈絡性影響。本研究從人際互動出發,聚焦於受擾者、其他受擾者、非受擾者和潛在受擾者間多方向對彼此的情感連結。她們建立起認同社群的同時,能動主體的展現來自於善用所處組織的結構特性,以「由下而上的社會連帶」提升社群裡每一個個體的能動性,因而產生抵禦和阻絕性騷擾的集體因應行動。 除此之外,本研究發現當醫療機構內的社會連帶有其極限無法抵禦特定類型性騷擾時,受擾護理師便自職場關係系統轉向機構外國家賦予正當性的法律救濟系統,借重由上而下的社會連帶來持續嘗試追尋程序、實質、敘事的正義與情感衡平,情緒則是觸發能動主體開展的要素。而當她們不只聚焦於爭取自身權益,也關注如何避免更多人遭遇職場性騷擾時,社會連帶行動互助網絡便從與自我緊密關聯的場域,跨越往其他潛在受擾者的所在時空,讓保護有機會擴展。性騷擾因應策略自此便由私人之間的糾紛處理,上升為具公益性質的集體行動。


醫療機構 性騷擾 關係 法意識 權力 社會連帶 理想被害人 情感 認同 衡平 正義


Many legal consciousness researches have delved into the countermeasures of nurses enduring workplace sexual harassment (WSH). These studies depicted cultural schemas composed of gender division of labor, stereotypical sexual morality, ideal victim myth, and unequal power relations, and have analyzed WSH survivors’ agency through the lens of identity community. However, while legal consciousness interpreted through the perspective of an harassed individual abounds, the contextual impact of interpersonal relationships within an institution is a realm less explored. Developing from interpersonal factors, this paper focuses on the affective solidarity between the respondents themselves, other WSH survivors, non-victims and potential victims. Aware of the characteristics of the institution they work for, the nurses display agency by utilizing “bottom-up solidarity” with their identity communities, which leads to the prevention and deterrence of sexual harassment. Besides, when the solidarity strategy reaches its limit of protection, the sexually harassed nurses turn from her Workplace Relationship System to the Legal Remedy System given legitimation by the state, where “top-down solidarity” becomes the resource for them to seek procedural, substantive, narrative justice and sense of fairness, while affect serves as a catalyst. When WSH survivors consider their fights not only for themselves but also for other potential victims, this perception empowers the nurses, expands the solidarity network and increases possible protection. At this point, the coping strategies for workplace sexual harassment transform from resolution of personal disputes to a movement for rights.


王志嘉。「職場與醫病間性騷擾的處置」。家庭醫學與基層醫療32卷,9期(2017): 269-274。
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王曉丹。「 聆聽『失語』的被害人:從女性主義法學的角度看熟識者強暴司法審判中的性道德」。台灣社會研究季刊,80期(2010):155-206。
