  • 學位論文


The analysis of the reading literacy integration into Chinese periodic assessment

指導教授 : 林巧敏


我國在2019年全面實施十二年國民基本教育,使得教學與評量方式,皆逐漸走向提升閱讀素養之趨勢,然而在我國的現行制度下,若要順利融入閱讀素養於教學或評量中,相當考驗校方實行的措施及教師的專業能力。本研究旨在藉由對閱讀素養融入國語文定期評量之調查分析,彙整現況並提出相關建議,以作為國民小學推行素養導向評量的參考。   本研究先透過文獻探討,建立研究的概念架構,包括:閱讀素養定義與內涵、十二年國教國語文定期評量政策、臺灣國語文定期評量相關研究,在整理歸納出重點後,接著蒐集新北市六班以下國小六年級的國語文定期評量試卷進行內容分析,瞭解閱讀素養融入國語文定期評量之概況,並藉由深度訪談方式,瞭解教導主任以及命題教師對於閱讀素養融入定期評量的情形與專業建議,最後經由統合分析後擬具研究結果與建議。   根據研究結果,歸納出五項結論:(一)閱讀素養融入小學國語文定期評量以比較評估層次配分最低,主要融入題型為選擇題;(二)閱讀素養非課堂教學文本融入定期評量之配分比例大多為30%左右,配分愈高,則作答時間愈長;(三)閱讀素養融入國語文定期評量重要性受普遍認定,融入關鍵為教師心態及教學方式之調整及改變;(四)閱讀素養融入國語文定期評量策略可著重於培養校內共識、理解實施方法,並嘗試將閱讀素養融入學校各領域教學、評量及活動中;(五)閱讀素養融入國語文定期評量困難可由政策面及教師面共同討論並協力解決。   綜合前述研究結論,歸納出下列建議:(一)建議閱讀素養導向定期評量命題時,教師多關注題型及配分之比例分布;(二)建議閱讀素養導向定期評量命題前,教師先調整心態及教學方式;(三)建議推行閱讀素養導向定期評量時,校內先共同討論各面向需求,進而相輔相成。


Taiwan has fully implemented the 12-year Basic Education Curricula since 2019, and gradually developed teaching and assessment methods to promote reading literacy. However, under our current system, if we want to successfully integrate reading literacy into teaching and assessment, it will be a test on the implementation of measures for schools and teachers ’professional abilities. The purpose of this research is to summarize the current status through the analysis of the reading literacy integration into Chinese periodic assessment, and then put forward some relevant suggestions to provide reference for the implementation of literacy-oriented assessment in elementary schools.   In this research, through the literature discussion, the conceptual framework of the research is established, including the definition and connotation of reading literacy, the Chinese language periodic assessment policy under the12-year Basic Education, and the related research of the Taiwan Chinese language periodic assessment. After sorting out key points, the researchers collected the Chinese periodic assessment papers on the sixth grade of elementary school below 6 classes in New Taipei City to analyze contents and understand the status of the integration of reading literacy into the regular assessment of the Chinese language. At the same time, through in-depth interviews, the research explained the situation and professional advices of the teaching director and the proposition teacher on the regular assessment of reading literacy. Finally, after a comprehensive analysis, the research results and recommendations are completed. According to the research results, five conclusions about the reading literacy integrated into the Chinese periodic assessment of the primary school are summarized: (1) The score distribution is obviously the lowest with PIRLS comparison evaluation level, and the multiple choice question is the main proposition method; (2) The proportion of reading literacy of non-classroom texts integrated into Chinese periodic assessment is mostly about 30%, and if the proportion increases, the time of answering the questions will be longer; (3) The importance of the reading literacy integrated into the Chinese periodic assessment is generally agreed, and the key to integration is the teacher ’s mentality and teaching adjustments in methods; (4) The strategies can focus on fostering school consensus, understanding implementation methods, and trying to integrate reading literacy into school teaching, assessment, and activities in various fields; (5) The difficulties can be discussed and resolved by the policy side and the teacher side together.   Based on the aforementioned research conclusions, the following suggestions are summarized: (1) It is recommended that teachers pay more attention to the distribution of question types and score distributions when reading literacy-oriented propositions; (2) It is recommended that teachers adjust their mentality and teaching methods before reading literacy-oriented propositions; (3) It is recommended that the school first discusses the needs of each side, and then complements each other when reading literacy-oriented propositions.


全國法規資料庫(2017年 10 月修正)。國民小學及國民中學學生成績評量準則。上網日期108年8月11日,檢自http://edu.law.moe.gov.tw/LawContent.aspx?id=FL008949
