  • 學位論文

政府推動區民活動中心政策困境及對策- 以IPA分析臺北市北投區為例

Predicament and Countermeasure of Promoting Recreation Center Using the Importance Performance Analysis: The Study on Beitou District in Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 董祥開


區民活動中心設置之政策目的,主要係提供地方民眾進行休閒活動及集會之場所,同時亦因應政府機構公務上之需求、里辦公處辦理里鄰活動,以及社區發展協會舉辦經市政府指定之活動等,具有公共財之特性,能因應各類動、靜態之活動需求,也因場地收費便宜的特性,近年來吸引許多民眾租借使用,大多數的場地使用率居高不下。但該政策實務運作下,區民活動中心該項政策因涉及許多利害關係人,遭遇到不少困境,場地收支不平衡、設備損壞率高造成民眾滿意度不佳、區公所承辦人員專業度不足、場地長期遭到特定地方團體占用等。 本研究藉由問卷分析及深度訪談之方式,聚焦在臺北市北投區,主要探討造成北投區之區民活動中心目前在營運上所面臨的困境以及原因,訪談臺北市區公所、臺北市政府之承辦人員,以及里長、臺北市議員,以PZB模式發展出本研究之問卷,蒐集北投區各區民活動中心使用者之意見回饋,並且透過IPA分析進行分析,希冀針對區民活動中心之困境能找出相關解決辦法,於文末提出相關政策建議。


The policy goal of the establishment of Recreation Center is to provide local citizens with venues for leisure activities and gatherings, as well as meet the official busines requirements of government agencies by providing venues for neighborhood activities held by village offices and for activities designated by the city government held by community development associations. Public property in nature, they meet the needs of various types of dynamic and static activities; also, due to the low cost of rental, in recent years they have been rented by many citizens, with most venues having a continually high use rate. However, in term of practical operation of this policy, the policy of Recreation Center has encountered various difficulties due to the involvement of various interested parties, such as imbalance of income and expenditure, high equipment breakage rate causing public dissatisfaction, lack of professionalism of the undertaking staff of district offices and long-term occupation of venues by certain groups. This study adopted a questionnaire survey and in-depth interview method, focusing on Beitou District in Taipei City. The main topics of discussion are the difficulties in operation faced by Recreation Center in Beitou at present and the reasons for them; undertaking staff of Taipei City district offices and Taipei City Government, village chiefs, Taipei City councilors were interviewed; the PZB model was used to formulate the study’s questionnaire, which was used to collect feedback on the users of the various Recreation Center in Beitou. IPA analysis was used for analysis. The aim was to find solutions to the difficulties faced by Recreation Center. Suggestions for related policies in future are presented at the end of the paper.


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