  • 學位論文

探討文字探勘於商業策略優化之應用 - 以戶外婚宴會館產業為例

Exploring the Application of Text Mining in Optimizing Business Strategy : A Case Study of Outdoor Wedding Banquet Industry

指導教授 : 羅明琇


近幾年結婚的風潮改變,結婚年齡增加、結婚率下降,造成整個結婚產業有很大的變動,整體市場的需求變少,並且近年來新人對於結婚的觀念轉變,多追求客製化與精緻路線,歐式戶外婚禮的風氣逐漸興盛,許多傳統的飯店業者因此加入戰局,因此原先就以戶外婚禮為主打的業者,必須更加了解消費者的需求,強化自身的服務與品牌定位,才能因應市場的衝擊。 本研究採用Python程式語言撰寫網路爬蟲並建立LDA主題模型,以Google Map評論與結婚吧討論區的評論與貼文作為資料集,並以台北與桃園地區代表性的戶外婚宴會館業者作為對象,透過詞頻與主題模型,從競爭者與消費者兩個角度進行分析。 從競爭者的角度來看,評論者最在意的內容大致可以分為服務、環境與餐點,而不同的角色(新人、賓客)對此會有不同在意的點。並且以網路評論而言,賓客相較於真正做出購買決策的新人來說,數量差距很大,也更有影響力;因此除了要顧及新人的考量因素以外,也須讓賓客感到滿意,才能提升評論的星數。 從消費者的角度來看,本研究發現婚紗挑選與攝影為消費者投入程度較高的兩個主題,而本研究最為在意的婚禮場地主題則投入程度一般,顯示時代潮流造成新人意識的改變,可能多還是體現在婚紗與攝影上,因此也建議婚宴會館業者也可以採取異業結盟的方式,與同產業中互補的廠商進行合作。


In recent years, the trend of marriage has changed. The marriage age has increased and the marriage rate has decreased. This has caused great changes in the entire marriage industry. The overall market demand has decreased and turn into exquisite and customized. European style outdoor weddings are gradually prospering, and many traditional hotels have joined the battle. Therefore, those who originally focused on outdoor weddings must better understand the needs of consumers and strengthen their service and brand positioning in order to respond to the impact of the market. This research uses Python as the programming language to write a web crawler and build an LDA topic model. It uses comments and posts in Google Map and Marry Bar as a data set, and uses representative outdoor wedding banquet operators in Taipei and Taoyuan as the target. Through word frequency and topic model, analysis is carried out from the perspectives of competitors and consumers. From a competitor’s point of view, the content that reviewers care most about can be roughly divided into service, environment, and meals, and different roles like prospective couples or guests will have different concerns. And in terms of online reviews, compared with prospective couples who actually make purchase decisions, there is a big gap in the number of guests, and they are also more influential. Therefore, in addition to considering the prospective couples, the guests must also be satisfied in order to increase the number of stars in the review. From the perspective of consumers, this study finds that wedding dress selection and photography are two topics that consumers have a high degree of attention, while the topic of the wedding venue that this study cares most has an average degree of attention, which shows that the trend of the times has caused a change in the thoughts of prospective couples. It may still be reflected in wedding dresses and photography. Therefore, it is also recommended that wedding banquet operators can also adopt cross-industry alliances and cooperate with complementary players in the same industry.


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