  • 學位論文


Exploring the Business Model of Psychotherapy Counseling Platform in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳思華


後疫情時代,除了全球化、科技進步帶來的過量資訊與快速的步調外,人們還更要面對不確定與難以恢復常軌的生活。在這樣複雜多變的現代社會,擁有能調控自己思想、情緒及行為的社會/情緒智能(SEI)是面對這一切的基礎。另一方面,環境的轉變也迫使企業必須加速數位轉型,使得同理心與自創思維的能力變得愈發重要。然而這兩者能力的培養,非單純上課就能獲得,而需要自我覺察的基礎。 為了瞭解如何在台灣搭建心理諮詢平台,本研究先後針對台灣、美國、日本、中國等海內外的心理諮商平台做研究,並且,為了更加了解成功搭建一個專業者的社交平台,對LinkedIn平台進行研究,期望藉由了解台灣的發展現況、參考海外的做法,試圖建構出屬於台灣的心理諮商平台藍圖。最終,本文受LinkedIn個案啟發,以職場工作者為服務對象,懷著「每個工作者都需要一個放心秘境」的軸心主張,企望透過團體諮商的技術,化被動為主動,希望透過即時陪伴與支持,讓工作者隨時可以上網發起議題,找一群陌生人與諮詢師/療癒師做固定線上匿名的語音討論,或是透過文字版與網友、諮詢師/療癒師交流、抒發心事,這樣的安心空間,將主動的替企業培育轉型人才的關係,取代過去被動的醫病關係。同時,透過替企業實踐ESG與培育人才的方式,讓企業負擔主要的費用,解決一般人不用付費使用的問題。


In the post-epidemic era, globalization and technological progress bring the excess information and fast pace, which makes people must face uncertainty and the life that is difficult to return to normal. In such a complex and ever-changing modern society, having a social/emotional intelligence (SEI) capable of regulating one's thoughts, emotions and behaviors is the basis for all of this. On the other hand, the changing environment also forces companies to accelerate their digital transformation, making empathy and “The Start-Up of You” even more important. However, the cultivation of these two abilities cannot be obtained by simply taking classes, but requires the basis of self-awareness. In order to understand how to build a psychological counseling platform in Taiwan, this study has successively conducted research on psychological counseling platforms at home and abroad, such as Taiwan, the United States, Japan, and China. The research hopes to construct a blueprint for Taiwan's psychological counseling platform by understanding the current development of Taiwan and referring to overseas practices. In the end, this article is inspired by the case of LinkedIn, and takes workplace workers as the service object. With the shared-proposition of "Every worker needs a safe and secure place.", it hopes to turn passive into active through group consultation. With companionship and support, workers can initiate issues online at any time to find a group of strangers to have a fixed online anonymous voice discussion with counselors/therapists, or to communicate with netizens, counselors/therapists by text to express themselves. It will take the initiative to cultivate the relationship between transformation talents for enterprises, which replace the passive doctor-patient relationship. At the same time, by practicing ESG for enterprises and cultivating talents, enterprises can bear the main expenses and solve the problem that ordinary people do not need to pay for use.


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