  • 學位論文


Explore The Issue-based Digital English Curriculum Effect on Fifth-grade Students’ Learning Outcome, Learning Motivation, and Learning Behavior:Based on Technology Acceptance Model Perspective

指導教授 : 陳聖智 林永騰


本研究旨在探討資訊科技融入議題探究課程對於學習者在英文領域的學習動機與學習成效之影響,以及在課程實施前後對於學習者的學習行為、認知負荷、創造力、認知易用性、認知有用性與環境保育意識是否有所改變。本研究採取前實驗設計法(pre-experimental design),對新北市深坑國民小學五年級四個班級共84名學生進行單組前後測設計(one-group pretest-posttest design),進行為期三週共三節課的實驗課程,並於實驗課程開始前後十五分鐘實施量表。本研究以英語認知測驗、英語學習動機量表、認知負荷量表、創造力量表、環境保育意識量表、認知有用性量表、認知易用性量表、教師教學手札與學生於課堂中進行的形成性評量作為研究工具,將蒐集到的前、後測資料進行成對樣本t檢定,並按學生程度分群分析。 研究發現,學習者在學習成效方面,不論學習成就高低,英語認知測驗皆有所進步,學習成就高的學習者進步最多的題型為撰寫題(如:中翻英的句子、單字拼音);學習成就低的學習者則以選擇題進步幅度最高,繳交空白試卷的學生減少,由此可見其填答試卷意願有所提升。而形成性評量的部分,如:創作作品、口說音檔,皆可觀察到學習成就高的學生,傾向使用課外詞彙與較多的篇幅來完整呈現其欲傳達到的訊息;學習成就中後段的學生則傾向使用課堂中的目標單字與文法來完成任務。聽力檢測的部分,學習成就高的學生大多能擷取出正確的目標單字,並能大致理解聽力檔案中的訊息內容;學習成就中後段的學生少部分對於含有較為熟悉目標單字(如:turtle、dolphin)或是置於句尾的題目,能撰寫出正確答案,大部分仍需待筆者針對目標單字進行朗誦時,才能回答正確。關於學習動機方面,將問卷量表進行成對樣本t檢定,得到其雙尾顯著性p值=0.000<0.05,故「在本實驗課程實施前後,學生的學習動機有顯著差異」成立,從學習者給予的意見回饋表單亦可觀察出學生對於英語學習的意願有所提升。 學習行為的部分,觀察發現不論學習成就高低,學習者皆會利用平板電子書與課程提供的學習單作為學習輔助工具,協助自己達成任務,有別於以往的英文課,學習成就低的學生更願意嘗試閱讀英語短文,並將課程筆記抄寫於學習單上;不論實體課程或線上教學,學習者於課堂的發言次數皆有所提升,唯獨在使用的語言與描述篇幅上有所差異,學習中後段的學生傾向使用中文與英語單詞回答,學習成就高的學生則是使用完整句構進行答覆。其餘學習行為面項,根據問卷量表的檢測結果顯示,學生的「創造力」、「認知負荷」、「認知易用性」以及「環境保育意識」,在實施課程前後皆有顯著差異,但「認知有用性」並無顯著差異,筆者分析原因為參與本實驗課程前,學生就已認為平板能協助自己學習。


This study aimed to investigate the effects of integrating IT into the issue-based inquiry curriculum on learners' motivation and learning effectiveness to examine whether their cognitive load, creativity, environmental conservation awareness, perceived ease of use, and perceive usefulness will change. This study adopted a pre-experimental design and conduct a one-group pretest-posttest design on 84 students from four fifth-grade classes at Shenkeng Elementary School in New Taipei City. This experimental course lasted for three-week, three-session. The scale was administered for 15 minutes before and after the experimental course. The English Cognitive Test, English Motivation Scale, Cognitive Load Scale, Creativity Scale, Environmental Conservation Awareness Scale, Perceived Ease of Use Scale, Perceive Usefulness Scale, Teaching Observation Notes, and students' formative assessments in the classroom were used as instruments for Paired Samples t-test. The finding shows that learners’ scores on the English cognitive test, regardless of their academic achievement, generally have improved. The most improved questions for high achievers were the writing questions (e.g., sentences in Chinese-English, word phonics); low achievers improved the most on multiple-choice questions, and fewer students submitted blank papers, indicating that they increase more willingness to fill in learning activity sheets. The formative assessments, such as Creative Drawing and Oral Task, show that students with high academic achievement tended to use extra-curricular vocabulary and more space to fully convey their message, while students in the middle to late academic achievement tended to use words and grammar learned from the class to complete the task. For the listening test, most of the high achievers were able to retrieve the correct target words and generally understand the content of the message in the listening file. In contrast, mid-to-late achievers, most of them could not figure out the correct answers until I recited the target words, only a small number were able to write correct answers to questions containing familiar target words (e.g., turtle, dolphin) or placed target word at the end of sentences. In terms of motivation, the Paired Sample t-test of the questionnaire yielded a two-tailed significant p-value = 0.000<0.05, so "there is a significant difference in students' motivation before and after the implementation of this experimental course" is valid. In terms of learning behaviors, the finding shows that regardless of the level of achievement, learners used the tablet e-books and study sheets provided in the course as learning aids to help them achieve their tasks. The difference was in the language and form used when they want to answer questions, with students in the middle and late stages of learning tending to answer in Chinese or English words, while students with high achievement tended to answer in full sentences in English. The results of the questionnaire showed that there were significant differences in students' "creativity," "cognitive load," "cognitive ease," and "environmental conservation awareness" before and after the implementation of the program, except for "cognitive usefulness. "


