  • 學位論文


Strategic Marketing Analysis of Stone Industry - C Company as Case Study

指導教授 : 巫立宇


天然石材作為建材之產業發展已有上千年之歷史,遠從古羅馬帝國時期即有記載,以石材大板作為室內裝修之用途,甚至以擁有石材稀有的顏色紋路,代表著家族的身份地位象徵。而台灣的石材產業亦有相當輝煌發展之時期,從1960年代在花蓮地區開始,以工藝品加工為主,到1970及1980年代開採本地礦區及原石加工產業的發展,開始出口擴張的成熟時期,並於1990年代達到巔峰,成為當時亞洲地區重要的石材集散中心,後因中國大陸的石材加工業崛起,在WTO架構下,台灣包括關稅及人力等各項成本居於劣勢,石材產業產值不斷下降,此趨勢至本研究當下都並未停止。 研究者投身石材產業者數十年,產業內競爭激烈,過去文獻探討大多在石材產業製造方面的探討,台灣石材產業大量製造的優勢正慢慢消退,透過自身經營個案行銷策略的探討,期待能為石材產業找尋更好發展方向。本研究主要目的即以個案公司為例,探討台灣精品石材品牌在經營環境困難的情況下,產業策略的轉型成功案例,研究分析並歸納石材產業精緻化的路線可能性。 本研究利用搜集相關文獻資料,整理主管機關數據,如內政部、經濟部等統計資料,並以第一手企業經營經驗佐證,以4C架構策略分析個案公司之特點,研究石材銷售中所遇到的困難及出路,分析經營品牌之成果。 本研究發現,在台灣石材產業轉型內需為主的情況下,個案公司打造指標性的精品石材消費體驗,並帶領著產業內的跟進轉型風潮,在大量投入下必造成過度競爭之情形,如何在傳統產業中發展現代銷售策略,找出品牌專屬資產,跟進產業時代進展不因停滯而被淘汰,為公司經營重要課題。期待本研究之個案可作為台灣中小企業經營之參考,在困境中尋找出路,創造市場價值。


石材業 策略行銷


Natural stone as building materials can be traced back to thousands of years. Back in the Roman empire era, stone slabs were used as wall-cladding in interior design. Precious stones are considered as a symbol of social status and wealth. Stone business in Taiwan also had its peak period of time. Started from 1960s in Hualien, it was mainly for selling stone crafts. In 1970s and 1980s, the industry had grown fast, due to the economic development and the mining of local quarry in Taiwan. The best years were in the 1990s but the business output value went down continuously after because of the rising of factories in mainland China. This researcher has engaged in the stone business for decades seeing the fallen of the industry, would share own experience in marketing strategy in this study. Expect to provide an alternative solution for stone companies. This study takes an example from C company, trying to explain how it succeed in this difficult business while building its own luxury company brand. Collected literacy and data are analyzed and studied for historical development of stone business in Taiwan. Including statistics from Mines Department of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Stone Industry Development Center and other researches concerned. This study aims to analyze the marketing strategy from C company, finding a possible brand solution for traditional industries. As the evolution of times, there needs to be contemporary ways for company to compete rather than adopting outdated strategy. We have to keep getting better in the difficult times.


Stone industry Strategic Marketing 4C


● 邱志聖。策略行銷分析 架構與實務應用 2020.05 五版 元照出版
● 黃日進。國立交通大學工學院營建技術與管理學程碩士班碩士論文 2006
