  • 學位論文

緬甸羅興亞難民問題分析: 安全化的視角

Analysis of the Myanmar Rohingya refugees crisis: a securitization perspective

指導教授 : 姜家雄


羅興亞人是主要生活在緬甸若開邦(Rakhine State)的少數民族。由於羅興亞族發展歷史、緬甸的種族政策及政治變遷等因素,導致羅興亞人與緬甸政府或若開邦其他族群長年發生衝突。2012至2017年在若開邦發生三次羅興亞衝突事件,使緬甸政府動用軍隊及警察進行暴力鎮壓及非人道措施,嚴重威脅羅興亞人的生命。大量羅興亞人為求自保而逃離家園。 2015年企圖前往東南亞鄰國的海上羅興亞難民人數達到高峰,東南亞國家因不堪負荷皆採取「推回政策」,僅給予尋求收容的難民少量食物、飲水及燃料,便將船隻推回海上,造成大量海上羅興亞難民傷亡,也引發國際社會的人道譴責,是為「羅興亞難民危機」。2015下半年,馬來西亞、印尼及泰國在壓力下改變原先不願接納難民的態度,轉而將羅興亞難民危機視為東南亞的區域安全問題,展開對話與合作以謀共同、具體的解決方案。2015至2018年東協成員國也改變原先不願指摘緬甸內政為名而不願正視羅興亞難民問題的態度。 本論文的研究目的是探討羅興亞難民危機的來龍去脈,包括: 其背景、成因、發展過程、與之相關的東南亞各國採行的應對措施,最後是探討其造成的衝擊與影響。本論文的研究方法採取「文獻分析法」及「歷史回顧法」,並以「安全化理論」為途徑,根據理論架構與假設來分析東南亞相關國家對於羅興亞難民的處置措施。本論文的研究成果有以下兩點: 第一,欲探討羅興亞難民問題,應背後複雜的政治、種族、歷史成因著手。其與緬甸政府及其他族群的恩怨是雙向的、具脈絡性的。將之視為單純的迫害事件,片面地指責任一方,將難以了解此問題的核心與癥結點,對解決問題亦無幫助。第二,羅興亞難民危機爆發前後,東南亞各國所採行的政策皆符合安全化理論的假設。2015年以前是國家安全化的過程,2015年後危機升級成區域安全問題,東南亞各國則展開區域安全化。其目的,最終都在於追求本國之安全。


羅興亞 難民 安全化 東協


The Rohingyan are ethnic minorities who mainly live in Rakhine State, Myanmar. Due to history of the Rohingyan, ethnic policies and political changes in Myanmar, the Rohingyan people have been in conflict with the Myanmar government or other ethnic groups in Rakhine State for many years. From 2012 to 2017, the Rohingya conflicts in Rakhine State caused the Myanmar government to use the military and police to carry out violent repression and inhumane measures, which seriously threatened the life of the Rohingyan people. A large number of Rohingyan people fled their homes in order to protect themselves. In 2015, the number of Rohingya refugees who attempted to travel to neighboring countries in Southeast Asia had reached a peak. Southeast Asian countries adopted a “pushback policy”. Only a small amount of food, water and fuel were given to the refugees who were pushed back to sea. This policy has caused a large number of casualties of Rohingya refugees at sea, and also caused severe humanitarian condemnation of the international community. The purpose of this paper is to explore the context of the Rohingya refugee crisis, including: its background, causes, development process, related measures adopted by Southeast Asian countries, and finally the impact and impact. To explore the issue of Rohingya refugees, we have to start with the complicated political, ethnic and historical causes behind it. Conflicts between the Myanmar government and other ethnic groups are two-way and contextual. Treating it as a simple persecution incident, unilaterally referring to the responsible party, will be difficult to understand the core and crux of the problem, and will not help solve the problem.


Rohingya Securitization Refugee ASEAN


壹、 中文部分
一、 專書
方天賜等著。《台灣與非傳統安全》。台北: 五南出版,2018年。
李瓊莉等著。《東南亞區域整合 : 臺.灣.觀.點》。臺北市 : 財團法人中華經濟研究院台灣東亞國家協會研究中心,2012年。
