  • 學位論文

網路購物平台服務使用者 滿意度、品牌忠誠度與再購意願之研究-以蝦皮購物為例

A study on relationships among user satisfaction, brand loyalty and repurchase intention of online shopping platform services - a case study of shopee

指導教授 : 張愛華


隨著科技技術與網路發展,帶動電子商務產業的興起,然而,市場逐漸飽和,平台相互競爭,應釐清使用者對於網購平台服務之需求以調整營運策略。而近期臺灣電商平台新秀者為蝦皮購物,其藉由簡單的介面設計與補貼策略,動搖臺灣目前電商市場生態,故本研究以蝦皮購物使用者為主要探討對象,尋求其滿意之關鍵因素,提供電商平台業者掌握用戶需求以提升平台滿意度、忠誠度與再使用意願。 實證分析下,本研究之有效樣本為1,043位,具買家經驗者為1,025位,具賣家經驗者為420位。本研究於研究模型置入十項影響整體蝦皮購物具買家經驗使用者滿意度之接觸因素,除了與「資訊品質」具潛在正向顯著關係,其餘九項接觸因素皆與滿意度具正向顯著關係,前三項具較高權重影響滿意度之網購服務依序為「網站買家介面和流程設計品質」、「物流服務品質」與「產品或服務價格」。此外,本研究亦於研究模型中,置入六項影響整體蝦皮購物具賣家經驗使用者滿意度之接觸因素,皆與滿意度具正向顯著關係,前三項具較高權重影響滿意度之銷售服務依序為「網站賣家介面和流程設計品質」、「網站賣家服務」與「交易成本」。由上述結果可知,蝦皮購物平台在「整體流程與介面設計」為影響使用者感到滿意之關鍵要素,「補貼商品、物流、交易成本」的措施,降低使用者滿足需求之成本,亦是使用者對蝦皮購物滿意之主因。 由人口統計變數特性來看,使用者「年齡」與「每週使用頻率」會影響買家使用之滿意度,年齡越小,滿意度越高;每週使用頻率越高,滿意度越高。 無論為具有買家或賣家經驗之使用者,結果顯示使用平台滿意度與忠誠度及再使用意願皆具有正向顯著關係。因此,本研究建議網路購物平台業者應參考前述影響滿意度之接觸因素,盡可能提升使用者滿意度,進而強化其忠誠度與再使用意願,對於平台營運之績效可達到一定助益。


The present research would like to investigate the key impact factor on satisfaction of users of Shopee, and wish can provide insights for online platform managers to gauge user demand, moreover, to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of users. This research conducted a survey research to test research hypotheses. The sizes for the effective sample, buyer samples and seller samples are 1,043, 1,025 and 420, respectively. Using regression and clustering analysis, this research finds that the top three key impact factors influencing buyers’ experiences are “quality of website buyers’ interfaces and processes”, “quality of logistic service”, and “prices of goods or services”. Besides, the younger the buyers, or the more fruently they use the web, the more satisfied the users are. While for the sellers, the top three key impact factors influencing sellers’s experiences are “quality of website sellers’ interfaces and processes”, “sellers’ services of website”, and “transaction cost”. As we know from the above, Shopee satisfied users by friendlier user interface design and subsidies. Additionally, users’ satisfaction has significant positive relationships with loyalty of online shopping platform and re-use intention, respectively. Based on the research findings, managerial suggestions were offered for the online shopping platform business.


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