  • 學位論文


Crisis Management for Public Companies

指導教授 : 陳家彬


危機包括突發性危機和潛伏性危機,兩者都可能會影響上市公司的股價、市場份額、盈利能力和聲譽。危機管理由權便應急計劃組成。運營計劃,危機溝通計劃和公共關係對於解決危機至關重要。埃克森美孚(Exxonmobil) 石油公司因未能妥善管理瓦爾迪茲漏油事件(Valdez Oil Spill) 而導致花費大量資金清理漏油,並且破壞了公司的商譽。福特汽車 (Ford Motor)和凡士通輪胎和橡膠公司(Bridgestone/Firestone Tire)為輪胎與其休旅車款探險家(Explorer SUV)召回耗費了兩年多時間。基於近一個世紀的合作關係,當福特和凡士通兩者距離愈來愈近時,休旅車輪胎召回問題才逐漸被解決。儘管福特公司的危機管理與處置要比凡士通好,但是兩家公司都為此更換首席執行官(CEO)和管理團隊,他們不僅付出了代價,而且損害了聲譽。戰術,策略對於危機管理都是至關重要的。 在危機事件的影響下,台灣的知名公司,台塑和納智捷(裕隆汽車的自有品牌)都無法很好地應對。相關的資料數據分析結果顯示,案例公司各自在於公司的規模和定位以及企業文化的不同而具有不同的危機管理方法。總結了這些國內外公司的危機管理方法和策略之間的異同。提出理論與實務的建議,提供國內經理人對危機管理與經營決策的運用參考,以完善管理,將危機變為轉機,為本研究努力與期待貢獻方向。


Crises, which include sudden crises and smoldering crises, can affect a public company’s stock price, market share, profitability and reputation. Crisis management is composed of contingency plans. In terms of contingency, operational plans, crisis communication plans and public relations are crucial for solving crises. Exxonmobil failed to manage Valdez oil spill. Then it costs Exxonmobil huge amount of money to cleanup oil spill, and blemished Exxonmobil’s corporation reputation. Ford and Brsdgestone/Firestone was fighting for responsibility of tire failure for more than two years. The tire recalls issue cool down when Ford and Bridgestone/Firestone are getting closer because of one-century relationship. After both corporations’ changed CEO and management team, not only did they pay the price but also damaged their reputation. However, Ford did better crisis management than Firestone. Tactics, strategy are both crucial for crisis management. The well-known companies in Taiwan, Formosa Plastics, and Luxgen, (a Yulong Motor's own brand name), are not handling well during the impact of crisis events. The results of the analysis of the data show that each facet of the case company has different crisis management methods due to the different scale and positioning of the company and the corporate culture. It summarizes the similarities and differences between the crisis management methods and business strategies of these foreign and domestic companies. It is recommended to provide domestic managers with reference to the use of crisis management and business decision-making in order to improve management, turn crises into turning points, and contribute to this research effort and expectations.


crisis management public companies Exxonmobil Ford Bridgestone Formosa Yulon


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