  • 學位論文


Effects of Plant Withering on Human Psychological and Physiological Reactions in a Perspective of Climate Change

指導教授 : 吳振發


摘要 人們長期居住都市環境,會出現注意力渙散、過度緊張焦慮的情形,都市環境待久了便會嚮往自然環境所帶來的效益。以綠色植栽為主的自然景觀,甚至是經過人工綠美化的環境,都已證實在生理及心理方面有顯著效益,但聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)第四次評估報告指出,在氣候變遷的影響下,未來極端氣候事件將大幅增加,對植物生長亦造成影響,若都市中植物因氣候變遷影響而死亡,可能會對於民眾心理上容易產生壓力及造成焦慮,在生理上則無法吸收植栽所釋放的負離子及放鬆肌肉達到健康效益,由此可知,氣候變遷對都市植栽之衝擊所導致民眾生心理效益的下降是值得研究的議題,因此本研究針對都市植栽的綠量受到氣候變遷的影響後漸漸衰弱之情形所造成民眾的心理反應影響進行研究。 以植栽為主的自然景觀生心理效益研究大多比較不同的綠化方式、綠化的程度多寡所造成的生心理差異,本研究針對都市植栽環境的植物綠量受到氣候變遷的影響後漸漸衰弱之情形所造成的心理反應影響進行研究,研究地點為台中市的綠園道系統,選擇綠園道中較不耐旱、不耐水淹的植栽拍攝照片,並將原始拍攝的照片定義為凋零率0%,再經由影像模擬的方式製作出25%、50%、75%的植物凋零情境,受測者為勤益科大、中興大學之學生共306位,以投影片撥放的方式進行實驗,另外以自願的方式招募受測者參與瞳位追蹤之實驗,共有34人參加,兩種實驗之問卷皆以ZIPERS情緒狀態量表、注意力恢復量表簡化並加入偏好問項進行意見調查。 研究結果發現,受測者最偏好的植栽凋零率為0%,植栽凋零的環境下對民眾悲傷情緒影響最大且呈現正相關,在注意力恢復力方面則是對遠離性影響最大且呈現負相關,表示此環境在植栽凋零越高的情況下原本會帶給人遠離日常焦慮的效益會大幅降低,以情緒狀態及注意力恢復力檢測是否影響偏好,結果顯示開心情緒最能影響偏好,注意力恢復力方面是魅力性最能影響偏好,皆呈現正相關,與過去研究以水景作為刺激物的實驗中,注意力恢復力影響偏好的結果相似,但解釋變異量高出許多,瞳位追蹤的實驗結果發現,觀看照片中景觀元素的改變會受到環境凋零率高低的影響,受測者在凋零率低的情況下會觀看樹葉的次數偏多,凋零率提高時就不會再特別觀看同一部分。


Abstract People who live in urban area for a long time usually show the condition of attention deficit, stress and anxiety. People long for natural environment and its effect after they stay in a city long enough. It was proved that the view of green plants and greening environment had positive impacts to both physical and mental health of human. However, according to the fourth report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations, there would be more frequent extreme weather incidents and thus negative impacts to plants due to climate change. If the plants in a city languish because of climate change, mentally, people may have more stress and anxiety; physically, people may not receive – negative ion or relax their muscles. Therefore, climate change is worth studying because it affects urban greening and people’s mental health. This study focused on the languished green rate of urban plants due to climate change and the following mental responses of people. The past studies on the effect of natural viewing on mental health focused mainly on the types of greening method and greening intensity. This study, however, focused on the languished green rate of urban plants due to climate change and the following mental responses of people. This study took place in the “green road system” in Taichung. There, the researchers took photos of the less drought-resist and drown-resist plants. The original photos were defined as 0% languish rate of plants, and the 25%, 50% and 75% languish rate photos were rendered through visual simulation technique. Participants of this study were 306 students of National Chin-Yi University of Technology and National Chung Hsing University. The study was conducted in terms of slideshow. Another 34 participants were recruited and voluntarily participated in the eye-tracking study. Both studies employed the measures of ZIPERS emotion state questionnaire, the simplified attention recovery questionnaire and the preference items. The results showed that participants preferred the plants of 0% languish rate. Languish rate had a significant positive correlation with people’s sorrow. In terms of attention recovery, distance had the biggest negative correlation with people’s sorrow, suggesting that high languish rate would reduce the effect of anxiety reduction. To test whether emotional state and attention recovery affected preference, the results showed that happiness would affect preference. In terms of attention recovery, charisma would affect preference. Both of them had positive correlations. The current results were similar to that of the previous studies that they employed water scenes as stimuli that attention recovery would affect preference. However, in this study, the explained variation was much larger. In the eye-tracking study, the results showed that languish rate would affect the way that participants watched at the elements of the photos. In the condition of low languish rate, participants would looked at tree leaves more frequently; in the condition of high languish rate, they would not focus on any particular section.


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