  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Social Housing Policy in Taipei City: Perspective of Policy Instruments

指導教授 : 陳恒鈞
共同指導教授 : 李長晏(Chang-Yen Lee)


我們都會犯錯,但願不要重蹈覆轍。市場失靈(market failure)的結果使得政府早先推行國民住宅用以照顧中低收入家庭的美意受到「看不見的手」(an invisible hand)所扭曲,商品化的結果使得都會區的房價不斷攀升,民怨因而隨之高漲。為使人民在臺灣社會能有一安居之所,政府乃因勢利導推出社會住宅政策,試圖緩解當前的居住問題。 社會住宅政策的出現對於居住弱勢者而言,猶如寒夜中的一盞燈,燈雖非火,不能驅走寒意,但看著它,總是有溫暖的感覺。然而,社會住宅在臺灣係屬創新之作,相關研究亦大多指出過去國宅因缺乏一套管理機制與配套措施導致國宅政策績效不佳,最後以失敗收場;在缺乏成功經驗可循的情況下,如何讓政策能長久延續乃政府未來必須面對的考驗。 爰此,本研究應用政策工具之理論觀點,探討社會住宅政策之內涵,透過文獻回顧、深度訪談以及個案研究等三種方法,檢視我國住宅政策之發展脈絡,並就社會住宅政策之現況加以分析,提出其執行困境之所在,進而根據實證分析資料結果提出具體因應策略,盼能貫徹社會住宅政策之初衷,不但消弭「若民,則無恆產已。及陷於罪,然後從而刑之,是罔民也」之社會問題,也期望能滿足「安得廣廈千萬間,大庇天下寒士盡歡顏」之社會期待,協助政府在當前居大不易的臺灣社會,達成「居住正義」之施政願景。 本研究根據研究成果,分別針對「社會住宅政策」與「相關配套措施」提出具體之政策建議。社會住宅政策方面︰一、提升社會住宅數量,調整現行分配比例;二、居住形式多元融合,睦鄰設施化解鄰避情結;三、合宜經營管理機制,創造社區自主管理;四、設立住宅法人機關,整合民間住宅組織;五、調整社宅租金租期 齊一步向差異收費。相關配套措施方面︰一、配合社會福利津貼;二、強化現行租金補貼;三、實施合理租賃價格;四、轉化既有空屋餘屋;五、發達民間租賃市場;六、轉化國人傳統思維。


The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. Recently the housing prices kept rocketing; the government tried all means to stabilize the price. However, the effectiveness of these means is poor. The Taipei Metropolitan Area's housing prices are still too high, causing many underprivileged people can't afford to buy a house, and then they just only rent a house to live. Furthermore, due to lack of social inclusion for poverty, which also led to the disadvantaged minority are easy to be discriminated in the rental process. The aforementioned is the reason why government built social housing to solve the housing problem. Although the policy goal of social housing is considered with good intention, it still exists some problem in the policy itself. Social housing is an innovation in Taiwan, it is similar to renting public housing, but related research pointed out that the public housing policy is not successful in implementation, leading to people have a stereotype of "Not in My Back Yard." Therefore, the government should put more effort and focus on this issue, developing some policies to meet people’s housing needs, and only by providing social housing can get their quality of life better. Overall, this research raises some suggestions about social housing policy and relevant adjustments, including the rental market, social welfare measures and social values.


